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Can a cat sense a kindred spirit?

Can a cat sense a kindred spirit?

As their energy field is strong enough they can easily see and identify those spirits. If at any time they sense negative spirit, bolder cats will hiss at them to protect their territory. not all spirits are bad of course, if they do notice a kindred spirit, they usually stare for a while and then they go back to their thing.

What does it mean when a cat purrs at you?

Since cats have such a high intuition and energy, when they purr at someone, or try to get a person’s attention, it is a sign that this person has a good energy field. One of my cats for instance, is very shy, and every time people come in the house, he literally disappears.

Why are cats considered to be spiritual animals?

Cat is a spiritual animal as it relies on its spiritual abilities, as well as its catlike instincts. Here is how: As a cat grows so does its energy field. The older the cat, the bigger the energetic body. This means that as time passes, a cat gathers more spiritual power.

Is there such thing as a cat Kiss?

The answer is sort of, and the cat kiss is much different from anything us humans do. Cat Behavior Revenge Pottying – Is it a thing? Eskimo, French and butterfly are just the beginning of the list of ways people describe kissing.

Can a cat send a message to you?

God may send messages to you through cats. God may send messages through cats as angels, spirit guides, or totems. Whitney Hopler has written on faith topics since 1994. She is communications director for the Center for Advancement of Well-Being at George Mason University.

Can a cat be an angel or spirit guide?

Cats as Divine Messengers: Animal Angels, Spirit Guides, and Totems God may send messages to you through cats God may send messages through cats as angels, spirit guides, or totems.

Can you get spiritual inspiration from a cat?

You don’t have to see a cat in spiritual form to derive spiritual inspiration from it; you can gain plenty of inspiration from observing and interacting with the cats that are part of your regular, physical life, say believers.

What does it mean when a cat is a totem?

“Some animal friends feel you can’t do without them!” Cats may also appear in the form of totems, images that convey symbolic spiritual messages. Totem animals in the form of cats often symbolize personal power, writes Gerina Dunwich in her book “Your Magickal Cat: Feline Magick, Lore, and Worship.”