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Why is my cat really bloated?

Why is my cat really bloated?

Intestinal parasites (“worms”): Large numbers of worms in the intestine can cause distension of the abdomen, giving a pet a “pot-bellied” appearance. This is typically seen in kittens since they are more likely to have worms than older cats. Simple treatment with de-worming medication usually cures the problem.

What to do if your cat has gas?

The following are other suggestions that may help your cat: Gradually change diet to a low-fiber, easily digestible food. Ask your vet for a recommendation. Offer smaller, more frequent meals. Feed cats in multi-cat households separately to avoid food competition.

What should I change my cat’s diet to?

When you have the luxury of time, you can slowly transition your four-legged family member to a new cat food. Maybe Mr. Tribble started out on a dry food diet, with no canned food at all. Once your vet explained the importance of canned food to your cat’s health, she taught you that cats aren’t great water drinkers.

What does it mean to be on a gassy diet?

What is it? A gassy foods diet means not eating foods that can cause gas, bloating, and discomfort. Some foods cause you gas after you eat them. Each person has their own reaction to single foods. You may not develop gas when eating all of these foods.

Can a sudden dietary change cause illness in Your Cat?

If you’ve managed to get him to eat even a little bit of his new food, he’s still not eating enough and is at risk for developing this illness. Your cat may be eating whenever he wants to. Before introducing the new food (and the risk of a cat food strike), change him over to scheduled feedings. Feed him up to three times every day.

What should I Feed my Cat when he has gas?

Cats are obligate carnivores, and are not able to properly digest dairy, grains or vegetables. Also, food that is even moderately spoiled can cause stomach problems in cats. Feed your cat a high-quality, high-protein canned food.

Why does my cat have a lot of gas?

As most cats do not drink enough water, dry kibble may become a dehydrated mass in the stomach, and a dry-kibble-only-diet may lead to kidney or urinary tract problems. Change a cat’s diet slowly by starting with just a little of the new food in place of the old and gradually increasing the ratio of new food to old over a couple of weeks’ time.

When you have the luxury of time, you can slowly transition your four-legged family member to a new cat food. Maybe Mr. Tribble started out on a dry food diet, with no canned food at all. Once your vet explained the importance of canned food to your cat’s health, she taught you that cats aren’t great water drinkers.

What to do about bloating in cats with GDV?

Once the cat has suffered GDV, it is vulnerable to repeat incidences. For this reason, the vet may attach the stomach to the wall of the abdomen, reducing the risk of a future twisting event. Bloating that develops as a result of intestinal parasites can be treated with the right deworming medication.