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Will Amoxicillin treat upper respiratory infection cats?

Will Amoxicillin treat upper respiratory infection cats?

Remember, antibiotics do NOT treat viral infections whatsoever, so for simple, routine upper respiratory infections in cats, they are not indicated.

What should I do if my cat has an upper respiratory infection?

Most upper respiratory infections in cats are caused by viruses. As a result antibiotics are of no use other than to prevent secondary infections. Viral infections need to run their course. Home care for a cat with a respiratory infection is supportive care.

What causes upper respiratory illness in a feline?

Feline upper respiratory illness (URI) affects a cat’s mouth, nasal passages, upper airway, and possibly the eyes. It is usually caused by one or more infectious agents. Two viruses—feline herpes virus-1 (FHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV)—commonly cause feline URI;

Can a cat have more than one respiratory infection?

There are a few other agents, including feline chlamydiosis, mycoplasma and Bordetella —and some cats may be infected with more than one respiratory infection virus. Fortunately, there are tests that can be done by your veterinarian to help narrow down the cause of the infection.

What to do if your kitten has an URI infection?

To prevent the kitten getting this disease you can do several things like: Keep the kitten indoor to prevent URI infections from other animals or cats. Minimize the stress of the kitten; you can play with them to make them happier. Infected kitten or cats need proper isolation to protect other animals and kitten.

Most upper respiratory infections in cats are caused by viruses. As a result antibiotics are of no use other than to prevent secondary infections. Viral infections need to run their course. Home care for a cat with a respiratory infection is supportive care.

Can you give antibiotics to a cat with an URI?

Antibiotics have no direct effect on viral infections like Upper Respiratory Infection (URI), but often vets will prescribe them to treat or prevent a secondary bacterial infection (read more about antibiotics and viral eye infections below). An antibiotic can usually be mixed easily into food, so you will not need to handle the cat.

Why does my Persian cat have an upper respiratory infection?

Persians and other flat-faced breeds are more likely to get upper respiratory infections because of their facial structure. Going outside. Outdoor cats are more likely to come in contact with infected cats or with fungi that can cause infections. Take your cat to a veterinarian if you think it has an upper respiratory infection.

How can I tell if my cat has upper respiratory disease?

If your vet wants to determine the infectious agent causing the disease, they will perform other diagnostic tests, including an analysis of the discharge from your cat’s eyes, nose, or throat. Your vet may also take a small skin sample (a ‘conjunctival scrape’) from the inside of your cat’s eyelids.