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Can cats eat dry food after tooth extraction?

Can cats eat dry food after tooth extraction?

While your cat may not feel up to eating right away, it’s important that he get back to eating relatively soon after his extractions. Soft or canned food is easier on the gums, but if your cat only eats dry kibble, then stick with that. If he’s not eating within 24 hours of returning home, consult with your vet.

How old was my cat when he had his teeth extracted?

My 9 year old cat just got home yesterday from having oral surgery to have some teeth extracted. He had this done 3 years ago and had no issues then. 1. When I got him back yesterday, his 3rd eyelid was closed in his right eye. The Dr. told me this could be normal sometimes due to the extractions and should go away in 3 days or so.

How does a cat feel after a tooth extraction?

Your cat’s mouth will be tender after a tooth extraction, and often cats have several teeth removed at one time. Rest assured, however, that your vet will send you home with sufficient medication to keep your kitty comfortable, and most of the time, your cat will be feeling much better within a few days of his procedure.

What causes a cat to lose a tooth?

Periodontal disease (or gum disease) is a common cause of tooth loss in cats. It causes infection and inflammation in the gums and the bone surrounding the tooth erodes, weakening the periodontal ligament that holds the tooth in place. Loose and wiggly teeth may be painful and must be extracted.

What to do if your cat’s tooth is broken?

If your cat has periodontal disease, brushing their teeth and making sure they have an annual dental cleaning can help prevent tooth loss. If your cat’s tooth is broken and you don’t want it removed, ask your vet about the possibility of having a root canal done in order to save the tooth.

Can a tooth be extracted from a cat?

Cat Tooth Extraction. An extraction cannot be performed if there is the tooth is abscessed. The infection should be treated first and after the pus is gone, the tooth may be extracted. The vet will determine if the tooth needs to be extracted by performing a radiograph and evaluating the condition of the tooth.

Periodontal disease (or gum disease) is a common cause of tooth loss in cats. It causes infection and inflammation in the gums and the bone surrounding the tooth erodes, weakening the periodontal ligament that holds the tooth in place. Loose and wiggly teeth may be painful and must be extracted.

How long does it take for a cat to recover from a tooth extraction?

For cats who undergo multiple tooth extractions and/or have other health conditions, recovery can take a couple of weeks. During the recovery period, the gum heals over the tooth extraction site. There are often dissolvable stitches in place that hold the gums together until they heal; these will fall out on their own.

When is cat tooth extraction necessary to prevent overcrowding?

In most cases supernumary (baby) teeth are extracted to prevent future overcrowding. This extraction is known as interceptive orthodontics. Retained deciduous or baby teeth that exist along with other teeth have to be extracted. Dental caries or teeth that are severely infected are always considered for extraction.