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Can cats get gray hair from stress?

Can cats get gray hair from stress?

Stress. Dark cats that have recently been through a very stressful situation, such as moving or a long stay at a veterinary office, can temporarily lose pigment in patches of fur. This results in a gray color that may or may not go away with time.

How often does a long haired cat shed?

This varies by breed, though. Cats with double or triple coats might shed a little more. Long haired cats, of course, will shed longer hairs. A healthy cat will generally shed twice a year in response to changes in light and temperature. Indoor cats may have this process disrupted.

Are there any cat breeds that have long hair?

While some cat lovers prefer the shorter hair variety, there are others who are smitten with long hair breeds. Longhairs are popular because of their aesthetic value. In most cases, the cleanup is on steroids, but cats with long silky hair have a glam appeal that cannot be denied.

What kind of hair loss does a cat have?

Some cats have hereditary alopecia. For example, Sphynx cats are born without hair and never grow any. Another type of normal hair loss is pinnal alopecia – hair loss on the outside of the ear pinnae — which is common in Siamese cats but usually resolves on its own.

How often should you groom a cat with long hair?

If your cat has long, silky hair, it’s important to maintain a daily grooming routine. If left untreated, your cat could start to develop painful mats and tangles. If your cat has medium-length hair, you can leave the grooming to every other day.

Which is the oldest breed of long haired cat?

Angora The Turkish Angora is the oldest known breed of long haired cat in Europe. She has long, pointed ears and a long fluffy tail. These cats are prone to the “groovy mutation” (as a young Professor X once put it) known as heterochromia, meaning one eye may be colored differently from the other.

Is it normal for a cat to lose all its hair?

The skin surrounding the area of hair loss can appear normal, or it can have redness, bumps, scabs and skin loss. Treatment options exist, though they depend on the cause of the alopecia and are limited for many of the more common causes.

This varies by breed, though. Cats with double or triple coats might shed a little more. Long haired cats, of course, will shed longer hairs. A healthy cat will generally shed twice a year in response to changes in light and temperature. Indoor cats may have this process disrupted.

Is it normal for older cats to have gray hair?

Older cats begin sprouting gray hairs. This usually begins around the muzzle, but can spread. Gray hair will be much more noticeable on a cat with dark fur. If your pet is white, this sign of aging will be difficult to spot. A cat with black fur will find it tougher to disguise her gray.