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Can I give away newborn kittens?

Can I give away newborn kittens?

In general, try to wait until the kittens are weaned, about 8 weeks. Even if you’re hand-raising the kittens (no mother is around), you should still wait 8 weeks before giving them away. This way, you ensure they’re getting proper medical treatment and socialization.

What happens when you drop a newborn kitten?

Unless that was a very unlucky fall it’s unlikely. Young and less experienced mother cats sometimes jumping during birth giving and dropping their newborn kittens from 7-8 inches without any ill effect. Kittens are actually pretty tough little creatures.

When can you give away newborn kittens?

Weeks 7–10 They would be okay, but it’s still best to wait until after 10 weeks. Cat breeders don’t usually give their kittens to new homes until they are 12 weeks old. If you do give them away before 7 weeks are up, they will be more likely to develop behavioral problems.

When to leave newborn kittens with the mother?

If you have recently taken in some newborn kittens, you will have your work cut out for you. If the mother cat is still in the picture, she can provide most of the kittens’ needs herself. You can support her by feeding her and leaving the kittens alone during their first week of life.

Is it hard to take care of a newborn kitten?

Caring for newborn kittens is hard work. They require attention and care around the clock. If you have recently taken in some newborn kittens, you will have your work cut out for you. If the mother cat is still in the picture, she can provide most of the kittens’ needs herself.

What should I do if my cat abandons my kittens?

If you find some kittens that you think have been abandoned or separated from their mother, observe them from a distance of about 35 feet to see if the mother cat returns. If the kittens are in immediate danger, then you will need to intervene without waiting for the mother cat to return.

How much does it cost to give kittens away for free?

While you may think it would be easier to simply give the kittens away for free, it’s better to ask anywhere from $20 to $60 for them. This prevents untrustworthy people from just taking free kittens and abusing them or selling them to labs. The fee can also weed out people who aren’t serious about adopting.

What happens if a cat abandons a kitten?

A dumped pregnant cat may shortly have kittens beneath your porch. Healthy kittens, abandoned without their mother, will soon starve or become ill or injured. While you absolutely did not cause the problem, it has become yours, much like a storm that drops a tree in your yard.

When do unspayed cats give birth to kittens?

With springtime just around the corner comes the warmer weather, the flowers, the showers – and, unfortunately, litters of unwanted kittens. It’s the time of year when unspayed cats give birth.

How to take care of newborn kittens before giving them away?

Caring For the Kittens Keep the newborn kittens with the mother. Care for abandoned newborn kittens. Socialize the kittens. Get the kittens vaccinated. Spay or neuter the kittens. Wait until the kittens are 8 weeks old before giving them away.

Where can I find abandoned cats and kittens?

However, it’s hard to catch someone who merely slows down and tosses a cat alongside a country road or leaves a box of kittens at a campground. If you wander outside one day with your morning coffee and are greeted by the forlorn mews of an abandoned cat or kittens, you might be tempted to hope they will just “go away.”