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How do you tell if a cat has a ear infection?

How do you tell if a cat has a ear infection?

What Are the Signs of an Ear Infection in a Cat?

  1. Black or yellowish discharge.
  2. Redness or swelling of the ear flap or ear canal.
  3. Waxy buildup on or near the ear canal.
  4. Discharge from the ear that resembles coffee grounds (a symptom of ear mites)
  5. Strong odor.
  6. Hearing loss.
  7. Loss of balance or disorientation.

What does it look like when a cat shakes its head?

With either condition your cat’s head shaking will be accompanied by dark, waxy discharge from the ear, redness and inflammation inside the ear, rubbing and scratching the ear and a strong odor from the affected ear. The discharge from your cat’s ear will look grainy, similar to fine coffee grounds.

What to do if your cat scratching its ear and shaking its head?

What to Do If Your Cat Scratches Its Ear and Shakes Its Head Excessively. With any amount of scratching, abrasions, irritation, and breaks in the skin may occur. It is wise to give your cat an antibiotic (as assigned by a vet), and to apply topical antibacterial ointments and creams to avoid further infection and discomfort.

When does a Devon Rex kitten shake his head?

The symptoms of the disorder typically start showing in Devon rex kittens as early as 6 weeks old. The main characteristic of spasticity is muscle weakness making it difficult for your cat to hold his head up normally. This results in head bobbing and causes your cat’s neck and head to bend down unnaturally…

When to bring a cat with a shaking head to the vet?

Notice if the cat is vomiting. This is another known symptom of vestibular disease. If the cat is vomiting, in addition to the head tilting or shaking, you should bring it to the vet right away.

With either condition your cat’s head shaking will be accompanied by dark, waxy discharge from the ear, redness and inflammation inside the ear, rubbing and scratching the ear and a strong odor from the affected ear. The discharge from your cat’s ear will look grainy, similar to fine coffee grounds.

The symptoms of the disorder typically start showing in Devon rex kittens as early as 6 weeks old. The main characteristic of spasticity is muscle weakness making it difficult for your cat to hold his head up normally. This results in head bobbing and causes your cat’s neck and head to bend down unnaturally…

What to Do If Your Cat Scratches Its Ear and Shakes Its Head Excessively. With any amount of scratching, abrasions, irritation, and breaks in the skin may occur. It is wise to give your cat an antibiotic (as assigned by a vet), and to apply topical antibacterial ointments and creams to avoid further infection and discomfort.

What are the symptoms of ear problems in cats?

Symptoms of ear problems in cats include pawing at the ears, sensitivity to touch, a large amount of cream colored, orange, dark brown, or black wax; hearing loss; head tilting or shaking; and loss of balance.