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How old can a cat be when you declaw it?

How old can a cat be when you declaw it?

Declawing is best done when the cat is under 6 months of age. Young, immature cats declawed at less than 6 months of age heal fastest, experience the least pain, and have the lowest risk of complications.

When is it time to declaw and spay my kitten?

For spaying, kitties can usually have it done after about four months, since it is more invasive than neutering. I’m not an animal activist, but I think declawing a cat is inhumane, cruel etc… please consider a different option. That’ts a very stupid argument… sorry…

Is it bad for a cat to be declawed?

Declawing is BAD, and you should not declaw under any circumstances. Declawing is NOT just removing a cat’s claws. They have to amputate the first bone in each of the cat’s fingers in order to declaw, and it causes cats lifelong pain.

What’s the procedure for declawing a cat?

Dr. Richardson says that declawing cats “irreversibly physically alters a cat for the purposes of changing its natural behavior, most often performed for the convenience of the pet owner.” The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and the cost varies on the nature of the technique, surgical time, and the location of the clinic.

Is there an alternative to declawing outdoor cats?

Removing the claws of an outdoor cat is among the mistakes cat owners should never make. Tendonectomy is a new procedure that’s a medical alternative to declawing. Dr. Richardson explains that it involves “small incisions made behind the claw to snip the tendons that are responsible for a cat being able to properly extend its claw.”

Is it OK to declaw kittens at any age?

Yes, it is true that young kittens seem to recover faster than older cats, but it’s not because they feel any less pain or have suffered any less trauma. Declawing cats isn’t ok at any age. Alternatives to Declawing Cats

What to do when your cat has declawing surgery?

Give your cat pain meds consistently. Just like it is in people, managing post-operative pain is important to your cat’s recovery from declawing surgery. Declawing is a painful surgery for your cat, since it involves removing the claws and part of the bones from each of her front paws.

Can a newly declawed cat get an infection?

Newly declawed cats are especially susceptible to paw infections. However, unless your veterinarian sent your cat home with an antibiotic ointment, you don’t have to worry about applying anything to the wounds.

Do you have to amputate a cat’s fingers to declaw?

Declawing is NOT just removing a cat’s claws. They have to amputate the first bone in each of the cat’s fingers in order to declaw, and it causes cats lifelong pain. It is an extremely invasive procedure.