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Is it normal for my guinea pig not to eat much at first?

Is it normal for my guinea pig not to eat much at first?

New guinea pigs are very quiet at first, it’s perfectly normal for them to hideaway when you are around (they may be eating but not when you are there) and to be nervous when handled (when nervous most guinea pigs will freeze). They’ll settle in eventually.

What’s the longest a guinea pig can go without eating?

How long can guinea pigs live without food? Guinea pigs should not be kept hungry for more than six to eight hours and in extreme cases for not more than twenty-four hours. Otherwise, they might face extreme complications and blockage in the intestine as well.

Why is my guinea pig chewing but not eating?

The abnormalities in the mouth may cause the guinea pig to drool, or to be reluctant to eat due to the painful sores in its mouth. A guinea pig with a trapped tongue may act starved, and may chew food only to have it fall out of its mouth. The wrong diet is the most common cause of dental problems in pet guinea pigs.

What can I give my guinea pig that won’t eat?

Improper Diet One of the most common reasons why a guinea pig does not eat is that the meal on offer is inappropriate. Remember that to supplement your vitamin and fiber intake, you need to provide not only feed, hay, and seeds, but also fresh vegetables. Also, make sure to always give enough water.

Why does it sound like my guinea pig is chewing?

Grinding teeth is usually a sign that they’re kind of nervous or apprehensive, basically not sure about things, but not necessarily angry… that would be teeth clicking. Are you sure about that? Because my guinea pigs have nothing to fear anymore and are always happy now and they make that same chewing noise.

Why does my guinea pig look like he’s chewing?

Food to Aid Rumination. Guinea pigs require a constant supply of grass or grass hay for chewing. This roughage is healthy for their digestive systems and encourages chewing for long periods of time. Do not feed your guinea pigs alfalfa or clover hays, which are too high in protein and calcium.

When do guinea pigs have their first litter?

Female guinea pigs begin a new estrous cycle shortly after giving birth. The guinea pig gestation period is 59 to 72 days. The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common.

When does a guinea pig show aggression towards its owner?

A guinea pig very rarely shows this type of aggression towards its owner but if it and when it does, it’s recommended to take a step back and leave it alone for the meantime. Most of the time, this behavior will be seen primarily between two guinea pigs. It usually happens when two males or two females meet for the first time.

What happens when a guinea pig gives birth?

When a guinea pig is about to give birth, any male guinea pigs near her will gather around and try to become the dominant male in order to both protect the female and mate with her. The female has a short postpartum estrus that will last for only about half a day and, without a dominant male, all of the males will try to mate with the new mother.

Why does a guinea pig want to eat another guinea pig?

A guinea pig that is recovering from an illness or has trouble chewing hay might prefer to eat another guinea pig’s cecotropes for a boost of nutrients. A guinea pig will stay completely still if it senses danger or feels threatened. This behavior may be brought about by a sudden change in its environment or a loud noise.