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What should I do if my cat is diabetic?

What should I do if my cat is diabetic?

But try not to worry too much if your cat is diagnosed with diabetes as it treatable at home, and although it will require quite a dedicated routine on your behalf, you will see a significant improvement very soon after you start giving the insulin.

How often is a feline diabetic in the UK?

Evidence suggests that recorded cases of feline Diabetes Mellitus are increasing, and according to the UK-based Feline Advisory Bureau, it is now estimated that almost 1 in every 200 cats is diabetic.

Can a diabetic cat still feel the needles?

The needles used are very fine, and your cat will hardly feel a thing – and by starting immediately after your cat is diagnosed, it may mean that the insulin balance will be corrected after a few months.

How long does it take for diabetic cat to recover?

If diabetic cats are diagnosed and treated at an early stage, around half of them may actually recover within a few months to the extent that they won’t necessarily need insulin treatment forever.

What do you need for a cat with diabetes?

There are ongoing expenses associated with diabetes in cats. Caring for a cat with feline diabetes means you’ll need supplies: syringes, test strips and batteries for your glucometer, insulin, and so on.

How to transition a diabetic cat to new food?

Transition your cat to its new food gradually. Do this by adding a small amount of the new food to its old food. Increase the amount over time so your cat gets used to the new food. For example, you may give your cat ¼ of its old food and ¼ of a can of high protein, low carbohydrate food to start.

Can a diabetic cat take a natural insulin shot?

Most veterinarians agree that natural supplements that tout diabetes remedies don’t work as effective treatment options. Insulin shots may be a necessary means to managing a diabetic cat’s health. “There is no ‘natural’ replacement for insulin.

What do we do for diabetic cats in Maine?

We support diabetic cats in their original, adoptive, shelter, and rescue homes; help to rehome unwanted diabetic cats; and help to educate caregivers on the appropriate treatment of diabetic cats. DCIN is a Maine nonprofit corporation and recognized as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization by the US Internal Revenue Service.