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Where did the riddle why did the chicken cross the road come from?

Where did the riddle why did the chicken cross the road come from?

“Why did the chicken cross the road?” has become iconic as an exemplary generic joke to which most people know the answer, and has been repeated and changed numerous times over the course of history. (0-0) The riddle appeared in an 1847 edition of The Knickerbocker, a New York City monthly magazine:

Why did the chicken cross the street joke?

An 1847 issue mentioned it as an example of a quip that might seem like a riddle but is in fact a straightforward and unfunny solution, an example of anti-humor: ‘Why does a chicken cross the street?’

Where did the Chicken ran into the bike joke COME FROM?

In the first decades of the twentieth century there are many signs that the chicken joke was as familiar to readers as it is to us. By 1907 a British newspaper, the Western Daily News, can play with the joke using it for the title of piece on a chicken that ran into a bike. The chicken owner, incidentally, was not found liable…

Why do chickens in motion cross the road?

Chickens in motion tend to cross the road. As with the lightbulb joke, variants on these themes are widespread. ^ The Knickerbocker, or The New York Monthly, March 1847, p. 283. ^ Potter’s American Monthly (1892), p. 319. ^ Audlin, James David. Rats Live on no Evil Star. p. 192. ISBN 978-1-4716-0809-4. Retrieved 5 October 2015.

Why the chicken crossed the road?

“Why did the chicken cross the road?” is a common riddle joke, with the answer being “To get to the other side”.It is an example of anti-humor, in that the curious setup of the joke leads the listener to expect a traditional punchline, but they are instead given a simple statement of fact.”Why did the chicken cross the road?” has become iconic as an exemplary generic joke to which most people

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Galileo Galilei: The chicken crossed the road because it put one foot in front of the other and took a sufficient number of steps to traverse a distance greater than or equal to the road’s width. Note that the reason is not because the earth is the center of the universe.

Why is the chicken cross the road?

The reason why the chicken crossed the road is because it knew it would die in the midst of traffic, and therefore crossing the road is an act of suicide. So ‘to get to the other side’ doesn’t mean the other side of the road; it refers to the life after death, and sweet release from this mortal coil.