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Why do I get little sores on my head?

Why do I get little sores on my head?

Sores, blisters, or bumps on the scalp Painful sores, blisters, or bumps that develop on the scalp may be caused by: Infection of the hair shafts (folliculitis) or the skin (such as impetigo). An allergic skin reaction (contact dermatitis). Viral infections, such as chickenpox and shingles.

Why do I have crusty bits on my scalp?

Seborrheic dermatitis is also called dandruff, seborrheic eczema and seborrheic psoriasis. For infants, the condition is known as cradle cap and causes crusty, scaly patches on the scalp.

Why do I have sores on the top of my head?

The most common comes as a result of scratching or rubbing in response to other existing scalp conditions, such as head lice or dandruff. Other possible causes include infection of the hair follicles or pores, a virus, or an underlying cyst.

What causes a crusty spot on the scalp?

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a variety of factors. Malassezia, a type of yeast, may be responsible for developing crusty spots on the scalp, according to

What causes headaches and sores on the scalp?

Corn rows, tight braiding, high buns and ponytails can not only cause traction alopecia (hair loss due to pressure) but also chronic headaches and scalp pain. Certain hair dyes, bleach, relaxers can irritate sensitive scalps.

What causes scaly patches on the back of the head?

Psoriasis causes scaly, silvery, sharply defined skin patches. It’s commonly located on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. It may be itchy or asymptomatic. Read the full article on psoriasis. Chickenpox leaves clusters of itchy, red, fluid-filled blisters in various stages of healing all over the body.

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a variety of factors. Malassezia, a type of yeast, may be responsible for developing crusty spots on the scalp, according to

Is it bad to have scabs and sores on your scalp?

Scabs and sores on the scalp can be itchy and unpleasant. Scratching generally makes them worse and increases your chances of infection. In many cases, scabs and sores on the scalp clear up on their own or with over-the-counter (OTC) treatments. Most of the time, they don’t indicate serious illness.

Can a bump on your head be skin cancer?

Flesh-colored, waxy bumps on your head and recurring sores on your scalp can be signs of skin cancer. If you notice a suspicious spot on your head, you should show your doctor at your next appointment. Skin cancer is very treatable, especially if it’s diagnosed early in the progression of the condition.

What causes a scaly bump on the head?

AK causes a dry, scaly, or rough bump to form on your skin. AK is found more often in fair-skinned, light-haired people. AK is caused by sun exposure. What increases my risk for AK? What are the signs and symptoms of AK? AK may occur as a single sore or as many sores of different sizes. Most of these bumps are found on the head, neck, or arms.