Why does my cat have diarrhea but acts normal?
Food allergies, overfeeding, or eating inedible items can also cause diarrhea in kittens. Items like bones, fabrics, or kitty litter can create intestinal blockages if swallowed. While a poor diet is one of the most common reasons kittens suffer from diarrhea, there are other possible causes as well.
Can overfeeding cause diarrhea in cats?
Overfeeding: Kittens have tiny stomachs and can only handle small amounts of food at each feeding. Overfeeding a kitten can cause diarrhea which can lead to dehydration and ultimately, if left untreated, death to the kitten.
What does cat diarrhea look like?
Under normal circumstances, a cat’s stool is dark brown, Waldrop says. “Black is consistent with digested blood in the stool, especially if it’s shiny and looks like road tar,” he describes.
Is it normal for a cat to have diarrhea?
While it’s perfectly fine to feel or suffer from diarrhea a few times in your lifetime, there must be a valid reason as to why your feline friend seems to have changed his bowel movement! Here are some reasons as to why your cat has diarrhea but seems fine:
What to do if your kitten has diarrhea but not vomiting?
So when your kitten has diarrhea but acts normal, check him for parasites. Changing food habits: If you try to introduce the new food in your cat’s diet too quickly, it may lead to diarrhea. Moreover, this fast new food introduction may not only cause cat soft stool but also may have additional signs like vomiting and loss of appetite.
Can a food allergy cause a kitten to have diarrhea?
Food allergies in cats can cause various problems, diarrhea being only one of them. In acute cases, the kitten may go into anaphylactic shock, something which can be life threatening. However, with mild cases, the kitten may have diarrhea, but otherwise seem fine.
Can a cat get anaphylactic shock from diarrhea?
However, some cats may have an allergy to something which is otherwise healthy for felines. Food allergies in cats can cause various problems, diarrhea being only one of them. In acute cases, the kitten may go into anaphylactic shock, something which can be life threatening.
What should you give a cat with diarrhea?
What to feed a cat with diarrhea Shredded boneless boiled chicken , cooked without salt or other seasoning. Boiled rice and rice water, cooked without salt. In the market there are special commercial food for cats with diarrhea which is also a good solution if you do not want the cat to try another type of
Why does my cat have explosive diarrhea?
Although explosive diarrhea is catastrophic at the time, by restricting access to food for half a day and slowly introducing the new food, it should quickly clear up. Food Allergies Food allergies or the wrong food entirely is often the cause of ongoing cat diarrhea.
Why does my cat have yellow diarrhea?
Yellow diarrhea in a kitten is a common phenomenon associated with the rapid passage of stool masses through the intestines. Typical causes of pathology: infection, worms, allergies, lactose intolerance. First of all, it is necessary to normalize the stool, and then, based on the diagnosis, think what to do.
What should you do if your kitten has diarrhea?
A kitten with diarrhea should be fed bland foods like plain yogurt or rice with cooked ground beef. Grapefruit seed extract (a few drops in the food) or a bit of fiber supplements can also help a kitten overcome his stomach problems.