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Why is my dog laying down and not eating?

Why is my dog laying down and not eating?

As mentioned above, if your dog suddenly starts to eat lying down, you should bring him to the vet to rule out problems such as arthritis or joint pain. If you suspect discomfort may be the issue, you can try to curb the behavior by purchasing a raised bowl that makes it easier for your pet to eat standing up.

Why is my dog laying around not eating or drinking?

There’s a laundry list of reasons your dog is refusing food and laying around for no apparent reason. We’d need a whole book to cover them all, but here are a few more things to look out for. Poison. Dogs eat things they’re not supposed to, we all know it. Sometimes they get ahold of something that can cause them harm.

What to do if your hen won’t eat or drink?

Most birds are immune to this by 20 weeks, but can still get it if they are exposed to a new strain. Corid (amprollium) is the best treatment, and available in the cattle section of the feedstore. Hold up her wing and blow the skin.

What do you call chicken that won’t eat or drink?

Lethargic: Will stand wherever you set her, won’t move at all. Even when it gets dark outside, and the other chicken’s go in their coop -she still stands (hunched and puffed up) in the same spot. Not eating: We feed chicken food (can’t think of the name, just an all around food), corn, and oyster shell.

Why are my chickens not eating or drinking?

It may be to late for this one bird but immidiatly get some Diatomacous Earth and give your chickens a nice dusting. A lot of people don’t know this but if enough mites or live bite a chicken it can be fatal. These external parasites are extremely toxic to the birds and can come from outside and other wild birds.

Why is my dog not eating but drinking water?

We wanted to tell you some of the top reasons why your dog isn’t eating, but is still drinking water like normal. 1. Your Dog Has an Upset Stomach Your dog might have an upset stomach and this is what’s causing him not to eat but still drink some water.

One just died this week after several weeks of becoming progressively weaker and losing a lot of weight. Now her sister seems to have it -whatever “it” is……she has watery droppings, and seems quite lethargic – seems to want to sit most of the time, not interested in food much, except in the ground corn they get in the afternoon as a treat.

Lethargic: Will stand wherever you set her, won’t move at all. Even when it gets dark outside, and the other chicken’s go in their coop -she still stands (hunched and puffed up) in the same spot. Not eating: We feed chicken food (can’t think of the name, just an all around food), corn, and oyster shell.

Most birds are immune to this by 20 weeks, but can still get it if they are exposed to a new strain. Corid (amprollium) is the best treatment, and available in the cattle section of the feedstore. Hold up her wing and blow the skin.