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Why is my stomach swollen all the time?

Why is my stomach swollen all the time?

When your stomach swells and feels hard, the explanation might be as simple as overeating or drinking carbonated drinks, which is easy to remedy. Other causes may be more serious, such as an inflammatory bowel disease. Sometimes the accumulated gas from drinking a soda too quickly can result in a hard stomach.

Why is my upper abdomen bigger than the lower?

Upper belly fat can be the result of your body storing water weight. Sodium consumption, dehydration, and a lack of electrolytes can cause your body to retain water. This can make your stomach and other areas of your body appear swollen. Stick to a diet low in salt while you’re working to lose belly fat.

How do you fix a stressed stomach?

Research shows that B vitamins can help relieve stress, so try to add dark green, leafy vegetables, avocados, and bananas to your diet. Fish and chicken are also good choices. Try to eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

What are the symptoms of a swollen stomach?

Symptoms can include: 1 swollen or distended abdomen 2 weight gain 3 abdominal pain or discomfort 4 shortness of breath 5 feeling full quickly after eating ( early satiety)

Why do I have a lot of swelling in my abdomen?

Your abdomen could be swollen for a number of different reasons. These range from eating too much to pregnancy. Only your doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of your swollen abdomen. Some of the most common causes of abdominal swelling include overeating and gas.

What to do if your stomach is swollen from eating too much?

If your abdomen is swollen because you ate too much, simply waiting for your food to digest could solve your problem. Eating smaller meals can help prevent this problem in the future. Also, consider eating more slowly to give your stomach time to process your food. If your abdomen is swollen because of gas,…

When to go to the doctor for a swollen abdomen?

Call your doctor if your abdomen is getting bigger, or if you have other symptoms that accompany the swelling, such as fever or nausea. Seek medical care if you have extreme diarrhea or blood in your stool. If you find that you’re unable to eat or drink for more than eight hours, tell your doctor.

What are the common causes of stomach swelling?

Some of the most common causes of abdominal swelling include overeating and gas . Swallowing air as part of a nervous habit or from eating foods that are high in fiber can lead to gas production. If you don’t release this gas, it can lead to abdominal swelling.

What could cause stomach swelling?

Stomach swelling often occurs when there is an obstruction within the digestive tract. The obstruction could be due to slow bowel movements, trapped feces, a cancerous tumor, or parasites. Inflammatory diseases such as Crohn ‘s disease, and other diseases within the digestive system are also common contributors to a swollen stomach.

What diseases cause stomach swelling?

There are several medical conditions which lead to the bloated stomach and these medical conditions are anemia, hemorrhoids and celiac disease. Hernia is also a cause for the appearance of swollen stomach. Abdominal swelling may be a symptom of several types of cancer, such as ovarian, abdominal and gastrointestinal cancer,…

What causes chronic hard swelling of the stomach?

Diverticulitis , an inflammation and infection of the digestive tract, can also result in bloating and swelling that may make your stomach feel hard. Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach usually caused by a stomach ulcer or an H. pylori bacterial infection.