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Can a diabetic cat still be a Happy Cat?

Can a diabetic cat still be a Happy Cat?

If the cat is still happy, eating, and his glucose hasn’t gotten too high or the diabetes hasn’t been going on for a long time, this cat is what we call a “happy diabetic.”

How old is a 16 year old cat?

By age 16 your cat’s physical and mental development is very much like that of an 80-year-old person. She has definitely slowed down physically (relative to her prime adult years)and may have developed a number of health problems.

Can a diabetic cat be an obese male?

Obese cats are four times as likely to develop diabetes, while older cats (those over seven years) and male cats are at higher risk. It is also common for diabetic cats to suffer from other diseases too, such as inflammation of the pancreas or urinary tract infections. What are the signs of diabetes in my cat?

How does diabetes affect the body of a cat?

Diabetes affects the control of blood sugar levels and usually occurs in middle-aged and older cats, particularly those who are overweight. In a healthy cat, food is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream. Glucose, a form of sugar, is the result from this digestion and provides the body with energy.

By age 16 your cat’s physical and mental development is very much like that of an 80-year-old person. She has definitely slowed down physically (relative to her prime adult years)and may have developed a number of health problems.

Can a 13 year old cat lose muscle?

My 13 year old cat is losing muscle mass on his hindquarters… Dr. Lars. He has had a muscle loss on back leg but i want to Hi. Dr. Lars. He has had a muscle loss on back leg but i want to know if this is some sign of dying or suffering. … read more I have a 17 yo neutered male orange tabby who is loosing muscle mass in his hind quarters.

How does old age affect a cat’s health?

When a cat ages, a greater burden is placed upon its internal organs. Old age is not so much the killer as are the complications that arise during your cat’s last years. When your cat is aging, you may find: Your veterinary visits will increase dramatically.

What happens to a cat’s temper as he ages?

Even if he has been an angel his entire life and never scratched a soul, his temper will be shorter. If you have other animals in the household, you may notice them all undergoing behavioral changes. This is because animals develop a natural pecking order, and as your cat ages, his place in that order may change.

What kind of disease does an old cat have?

Feline chronic renal failure (CRF) is another common disease in aging cats. The Feline CRF Information Center specifies this disease is progressive and terminal but partly manageable in the early stages.

Is it a death sentence for a diabetic cat?

No, diabetes is not a death sentence for your cat. Here’s what you should know, including symptoms, treatment — and the cost of insulin for cats. One of the classic cat diabetes symptoms is when you notice your cat drinking more water than usual.

When to take a diabetic cat to the vet?

Many diabetic cats come in to the vet and their human — and the cat — don’t think they’re that sick. The cat is eating well but thinks the water bowl has turned into the best “open bar” in the world. The pet parent decides to take the cat to the vet when there’s urine floating on top of 20 pounds of soaked cat litter.

What happens to an older cat with diabetes?

Diabetes in Older Cats. Without insulin, the body can’t utilize glucose. In diabetic cats, excess glucose is eliminated by the kidneys, producing frequent urination. There is a need to compensate for the increased urination by drinking unusual amounts of water. Pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, medications such as megestrol acetate (Megace),…

Feline chronic renal failure (CRF) is another common disease in aging cats. The Feline CRF Information Center specifies this disease is progressive and terminal but partly manageable in the early stages.

Can a Burmese cat get diabetes in the UK?

Diabetes develops in about 1 in 100-200 cats 1. An increased incidence of diabetes mellitus has been noted in Burmese cats in Australia and the UK. Diabetes mellitus can occur due to a deficiency of insulin or because of an inability of the body to respond to insulin 2.

No, diabetes is not a death sentence for your cat. Here’s what you should know, including symptoms, treatment — and the cost of insulin for cats. One of the classic cat diabetes symptoms is when you notice your cat drinking more water than usual.

Can a cat with diabetes have kidney failure?

When an older cat is presented to the veterinarian with the common symptoms of drinking lots of water, urinating tons and losing weight, a diagnosis of feline diabetes can actually be good news. It’s often better news than kidney failure or liver failure in many cases.

What happens when a diabetic cat is given Lantus?

Newly diagnosed diabetic cats given Lantus as the first insulin have the best chance of remission. This means they may return to being a normal, non-diabetic cat. Lantus means easier control of diabetes, which translates to fewer trips to the vet, which translates to less money spent.

How much does a Persian cross cat weigh?

(Down to 1 female and 6 males – 3 have passed due to incurable illness and age). The girls are on the large size (1 Persian cross weights 13 lbs . 10 yr old) and the other was a Turkish Van type (she was stocky and solid frame and weight was 12 lbs at the time of her crossing to the RB and felt thin then was 19.5 yrs).

Can a 20 year old cat have diabetes?

Because it’s more convenient for people. Some people just don’t like dealing with canned food. And there are a gazillion cats that eat dry food and don’t get diabetes. We see 20-year-old cats that eat dry food. Q: Will diabetes shorten my cat’s lifespan?

How much does a 10 year old Abyssinian cat weigh?

The 10 yr old weights 14.5 lbs and the 14 yr old weights 15 lbs. They are large framed and stocky. The 2 RB boys weights were 9lbs for a RB/Siamese cross and 16 lbs for and Turkish Angora type. Cats vary as much as people do as far as size and weight go. My abyssinian, a very sleek elegant breed, normally weighs about 9#.

If the cat is still happy, eating, and his glucose hasn’t gotten too high or the diabetes hasn’t been going on for a long time, this cat is what we call a “happy diabetic.”

What should I do if my cat has diabetes?

A poor diet may have brought on your cat’s diabetes in the first place. Now it’s time to get back on the right track. Vets put overweight or obese cats on a calorie-controlled diet. These cuddly cats have an unfortunately habit of storing fat inside insulin-producing cells, which smothers their ability to produce vital insulin.

How can you tell if a kitten has FeLV?

Kittens and young adults are more susceptible than older cats, it appears that resistance to the virus increases with age. FeLV is diagnosed through a blood test called an ELISA test, which tests for the presence of FeLV antigens in the blood. This test is highly sensitive and can identify cats with very early infections.

What to do if your cat has untreated diabetes?

Symptoms of Untreated Diabetes in Cats. While, diabetes is a serious condition, if diagnosed and treated quickly, your cats diabetes can be controlled through diet and activity levels. Even if your cat is suffering from a more difficult stage of diabetes, you can treat your cat with daily injections, much as humans with diabetes.

When to take your cat to the doctor for diabetes?

Diabetes primarily effects the kidney and pancreas. The kidneys work hard to process out the extra insulin, while the pancreas is over or under producing insulin. If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, take your cat to the doctor immediately for an insulin test.

What kind of disease is an uncontrolled diabetic cat?

Acromegaly, also known as hypersomatotropism, is a disease characterized by excess GH, which stimulates increased production of IGF-1 in the liver and other tissues.

Is it normal for a cat to have diabetes?

Blood and urine tests are necessary to diagnose the disease and most cats (once diagnosed and treated appropriately) live very normal lives. Diabetes develops in about 1 in 100-200 cats 1. An increased incidence of diabetes mellitus has been noted in Burmese cats in Australia and the UK.

What causes Type 2 diabetes in older cats?

Diabetes in Older Cats. Incidence and causes of diabetes in cats Diabetes develops in about 1 in 100-200 cats 1. An increased incidence of diabetes mellitus has been noted in Burmese cats in Australia and the UK. Diabetes mellitus can occur due to a deficiency of insulin or because of an inability of the body to respond to insulin 2.

Can a 13 year old diabetic cat eat food?

Diabetic cats are literally starving so you need to feed lots of food until the blood glucose levels are more normal. 13 is NOT old and no reason at all to not treat the diabetes.

Can a 7 year old cat be diabetic?

Cats under 7 years of age rarely get diabetes. Overweight cats are more prone to become diabetic than cats of healthy weight; males are slightly more likely to become diabetic than females. Each cat’s diabetes is an specific condition; your veterinarian will provide individualized treatment for your pet based on his symptoms.

What are the signs of diabetes in cats?

Early signs of diabetes may be subtle and mild — weight loss, increased hunger and thirst are examples. Blood and urine tests are necessary to diagnose the disease and most cats (once diagnosed and treated appropriately) live very normal lives. Diabetes develops in about 1 in 100-200 cats 1.

Why are cats more at risk for diabetes?

Perhaps because cats are living longer lives and many cats are overweight, the incidence of “sugar diabetes” or diabetes mellitus is becoming more commonly diagnosed in pet cats. It is likely that cats sharing a home and a lifestyle are equally at risk for the disease.

How old does a cat have to be to have diabetes?

Diabetes, and Type II diabetes specifically, is a very common disorder in cats. The condition is most common in overweight, neutered male cats over 8 years of age, and those that exclusively eat a high carbohydrate diet (which includes pretty much any diet of dry cat food).

What happens if a cat is undiagnosed with diabetes?

When these signs occur, the health of the cat is in the most jeopardy. Diabetes is often easily diagnosed and controllable. However, when undiagnosed or poorly managed, diabetes can be devastating and lead to a variety of debilitating, expensive, and potentially fatal conditions. Some of these conditions are outlined below.

Who is most at risk for type 2 diabetes in cats?

Which cats are most at risk? Diabetes, and Type II diabetes specifically, is a very common disorder in cats. The condition is most common in overweight, neutered male cats over 8 years of age, and those that exclusively eat a high carbohydrate diet (which includes pretty much any diet of dry cat food).

What are the pros and cons of diabetic cats?

Diabetes is more common in male cats, and the statistics show that males have a slightly better chance of reversing their diabetes. Anywhere from 30–90% of cats will return to normal with early diagnosis and treatment. 3. Better diets are helping diabetic cats live healthier lives.

How to treat an uncontrolled diabetic cat?

An Uncontrolled Diabetic Cat 1 HISTORY. Sugar was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus 2 years prior to presentation. 2 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. 3 LABORATORY ANALYSIS. 4 DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH1,2. 5 THIS CASE: DIAGNOSIS. 6 TREATMENT APPROACH. 7 THIS CASE: TREATMENT & FOLLOW-UP. 8 PROGNOSIS. 9 THIS CASE: OUTCOME.

Newly diagnosed diabetic cats given Lantus as the first insulin have the best chance of remission. This means they may return to being a normal, non-diabetic cat. Lantus means easier control of diabetes, which translates to fewer trips to the vet, which translates to less money spent.

A poor diet may have brought on your cat’s diabetes in the first place. Now it’s time to get back on the right track. Vets put overweight or obese cats on a calorie-controlled diet. These cuddly cats have an unfortunately habit of storing fat inside insulin-producing cells, which smothers their ability to produce vital insulin.

How old was my diabetic cat when he died?

I have now had 2 cats that were diabetic. Both at the age of 8. My first diabetic cat lived to be 16 & had insulin shots twice a day. I just lost my second diabetic cat Monday at the age of 13. He also received shots twice a day. I have 13 years now of dealing with diabetic cats & hope I never have to do this again.

How old is my 14 year old cat with diabetes?

In November my 14 year old male cat was diagnosed with diabetes. We started out at 1 unit in the morning and night and I went back to the vet a week later to have his blood sugar tested again. It was in the 500s.

Is it possible for a cat to have diabetes?

After treating diabetic cats for over 20 years in my feline veterinary practice, I, for the first time, diagnosed diabetes in my own cat a few years ago. It’s important to know the most frequent symptoms of feline diabetes because they are usually easy to recognize.

What should I look for in cat food for diabetic cats?

Cats are obligate carnivores, so they have an evolutionary need for protein in their diets. Generally speaking, cats are designed to consume a diet low in carbohydrates as well, though most commercial cat foods contain more than enough to meet your cat’s needs for fiber and nutrients. So, what should you look for in a cat food for diabetic cats?

How to transition a diabetic cat to new food?

Transition your cat to its new food gradually. Do this by adding a small amount of the new food to its old food. Increase the amount over time so your cat gets used to the new food. For example, you may give your cat ¼ of its old food and ¼ of a can of high protein, low carbohydrate food to start.

How can you tell if your cat has diabetes?

Early Signs of Diabetes in Cats 1. Excessive Urination & Thirst Your cat may be suffering from Type I or Type II diabetes if they are urinating frequently.

How does stress affect a diabetic cat?

The Diabetic Cat. Even well-regulated diabetics, particularly cats, experience stress when their family leaves. Stress can change their metabolism and therefore change their insulin needs. If they are solitary, independent animals, like many cats, then a change in their level of exercise, amount of human contact,…

What are the signs that an old cat is dying?

There are many common age-related diseases of cats: 1 Hormonal disorders 2 Kidney disorders 3 Cardiac disorders 4 Liver problems 5 Arthritis 6 Impaired nutrient absorption 7 Impaired immunity 8 Dental disease

What are the symptoms of a cat with dyspnea?

Note that while dyspnea feels uncomfortable, your cat might be oblivious to their own rapid breathing. Rapid breathing is often accompanied by the following symptoms: A bluish tint to the gums and mucous membranes is a sign of inadequate oxygenation. This is also known as cyanosis. Fatigue is a common result of tachypnea.

How to tell if your cat is dying of old age?

Telltale Signs an Old Cat Is Dying 1 Indications a Cat Is Dying of Old Age. According to the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine,… 2 Signs of Death for Specific Diseases. Geriatric cats can die from several types… 3 Treatment Considerations. The severity of your cat’s symptoms will increase during… 4 The Aging Cat. When a cat ages,…

Why does my senior cat yowl all night?

The idea of a cat yowling at all hours of the night and waking up the house may sound funny, but senior cats who begin to yowl like this may be suffering from something serious — and treatable. Excessive vocalization in cats is more common at night — although some old cats vocalize at any time.

When do cats start to decline in age?

While cats can live healthy lives into their late teens and even early 20s, there comes a time when your pet will begin to decline, either due to old age or a progressive or terminal medical issue. Recognizing when the end is approaching for your beloved feline will help you make the most loving and compassionate choices for her and for yourself.

Diabetes in Older Cats. Incidence and causes of diabetes in cats Diabetes develops in about 1 in 100-200 cats 1. An increased incidence of diabetes mellitus has been noted in Burmese cats in Australia and the UK. Diabetes mellitus can occur due to a deficiency of insulin or because of an inability of the body to respond to insulin 2.

How old is my 13 year old cat?

My cat is 13 years old and has never once had litter box issues. Now he suddenly has started to randomly poop on the carpet by the front door. He has done it 3 times in the last month and there doesn’t seem to be any method to his madness.

Why does my 15 year old cat keep yelling?

Mom’s 15-year-old cat Prince has been “yelling,” mostly at night when he’s alone. He started shortly after Mom passed away last year. I started ignoring him and he eventually stopped. Then his brother Sunshine passed away four months ago. Prince started yelling again, mostly at night since he naps during the day.

Why did my 13 year old cat poop on the carpet?

I gave him some of the Iams’s Canned food this morning because he hadn’t pooped since his accident on my carpet on Saturday morning.

Can a diabetic cat be tested at home?

Home testing isn’t as hard as it seems Like diabetic humans, cats with feline diabetes need to have their blood glucose tested regularly. You can do this at home with a standard glucometer and testing strips that you can buy in a drugstore. Record your cat’s blood glucose level, along with the date and time, after each test.

Why is it important to take care of diabetic cats?

The cost of insulin for cats Other costs to consider when you have a diabetic cat And why diabetic cats need extra care when you’re away Early intervention with diabetes gives your cat the best chance of a better life. Photo: StockSnap

What happens if a diabetic cat does not eat?

Not eating can be dangerous for diabetic cats. If your cat does not seem interested in its food, you may need to revert back to its old diet for a little while to get it to eat again and transition it to the new food more slowly. Do not let your cat eat people food or table scraps, as this can negatively affect its condition.

If a diabetic cat is not eating well, this complicates his treatment, because if he receives too much insulin relative to the calories he is taking in, his blood sugar can fall dangerously low (hypoglycemia).

What to do if your cat has diabetes?

With the right insulin doses and a healthy diet, your cat may enter diabetic remission. To keep your cat in remission, you should help your cat stay healthy and fit through proper diet and exercise. You also need to always be wary of returning symptoms of feline diabetes. Consult your veterinarian.

Can a diabetic cat go into remission?

Keep in mind with the right diet, some cats can go into diabetic remission, where they no longer have low insulin levels. Over time you may be able to reduce the amount of insulin you give your cat or not need to give them insulin at all.

Can You regulate your diabetic cat-cat?

Your cat has been diagnosed with cat diabetes and is on insulin but the cat seems to be getting worse and the blood sugar levels cannot be controlled. Here is a plea for help from a very frustrated cat owner, whose cat Tom is having major problems getting regulated:-

Why is my diabetic cat not eating anymore?

The fact that your kitty’s blood glucose got too low means either he got too much insulin and became hypoglycemic or he has lost his insulin requirements and is no longer diabetic (yes, this happens.)

What happens to a diabetic cat if untreated?

The cat urinates more which makes him thirsty and he drinks more water. The common signs of diabetes include increases in appetite, water consumption, and urination, along with weight loss. If untreated, diabetes results in vomiting, dehydration, lethargy, coma, vision loss, and even death. How are cats with diabetes treated?