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Can an ear infection cause sneezing in a cat?

Can an ear infection cause sneezing in a cat?

Other polyps may grow in the ear canal itself, and some may jeopardize the ear drum. Symptoms: Cats will exhibit respiratory problems, like sneezing. They may shake their heads, paw at ears, and display a head tilt.

What are the symptoms of upper respiratory infections in kittens?

Symptoms: Sneezing is the main symptom of upper respiratory infections in cats, though sometimes kittens will develop a yellowy goopy discharge from their eyes and a runny nose. If your kitten is having trouble breathing or refuses to eat, the situation is more serious.

Why does my new cat keep sneezing and breathing?

So if you bring a new cat home with signs of an upper respiratory infection or other illness, it is important to prevent them from socializing with the healthier kittens until the vet has cleared them and their signs have resolved. One fairly common and highly contagious disease that can cause sneezing and breathing issues is feline calicivirus.

Can a cat have more than one respiratory infection?

There are a few other agents, including feline chlamydiosis, mycoplasma and Bordetella —and some cats may be infected with more than one respiratory infection virus. Fortunately, there are tests that can be done by your veterinarian to help narrow down the cause of the infection.

What to do if your kitten is sneezing blood?

If the symptoms are severe or if your kitten sneezes blood, take it to the vet as soon as possible. She may prescribe a nasal decongestant or antibiotics, depending on what’s causing the sneezing. A humidifier near where the cat sleeps may also help with minor breathing issues.

How to tell if your cat has an upper respiratory infection?

Understand the signs of a cat’s upper respiratory infection so you can treat your cat’s cold, including coughing, wheezing, sneezing, and runny nose. Feline Upper Respiratory Infections: Does Your Cat Have a Cold? Can Cats Get Colds? Here’s How to Get a Sick Kitty ‘Feline’ Better Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers? They’re Not Just For Looks!

What are the symptoms of an inner ear infection in cats?

If the facial nerve, which is located in the area of the inner ear, is damaged by an inner ear infection, your cat may develop some of the following symptoms: drooling from the side of the mouth. difficulty eating and dropping food. inability to blink.

What causes a cat to sneeze with no blood?

The most common fungus to cause a nasal infection in cats is Cryptococcus neoformans. This causes swelling of the nose, destruction of nasal tissue, nasal discharge, sneezing with or without blood, and other symptoms of upper respiratory infections.

How can you tell if your cat has otitis interna?

The signs of otitis interna depend upon the severity and the extent of the infection. Some cats may show no outward signs at all, but you may notice your cat is reluctant to chew or seems to be in pain when opening her mouth. She may shake her head or paw at the affected ear.