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Do Maine Coons need to be shaved?

Do Maine Coons need to be shaved?

You should not shave your cat unless necessary because it can do more harm than good. Pet parents choose to shave their Maine Coons with good intentions, however, that can be damaging to the cat’s skin and overall health.

How do I keep my Maine Coon from matting?

How can you prevent your Maine coons fur getting matted?

  1. Running your fingers through her fur. On occasion, you should routinely rub your hands through your cat’s fur.
  2. Bathing. Another tactic to use in bathing your cat (click here to see if it is really a good idea to bath your cat).
  3. Trimming & Brushing your cat’s fur.

Do Maine coons get matted fur?

Maine coons are a semi-long haired breed of cat. This means that they have a whole lot of fur to get knotted. Matted fur is a serious problem in cats and needs treating as soon as possible.

Why do Maine coons get matted fur?

Matting occurs more commonly in cats with long hair. Maine coons have two layers of fur. If not regularly groomed then when the undercoat sheds it can get tangled up in the top coat. These tangles can soon turn into tight knots which pull on their delicate skin.

Why do Maine Coons get matted fur?

Why do Maine Coons have to be shaved?

Maine Coons are not a shaved lion! A cat’s fur provides a means of protection from a multitude of things: From other cats – If ever your cat has an altercation with another cat, its fur provides a fair amount of protection from claws and teeth.

Why does my Maine Coon cat have matted fur?

Unable to groom himself. If your cat is feeling sick, overweight or feeling pain when grooming, you may find that she will stop grooming. In time her fur will become neglected and matted. The matted fur will eventually get worse. With time and further neglect, it can become unmanageable. Why you mustn’t get her fur wet (When it’s matted).

Is the Maine Coon lion cut bad for cats?

Therefore by giving them a Maine Coon Lion Cut you actually interfere with its inbuilt temperature regulation so are doing it more harm than good. An outdoor cat will seek out the coolest, shadiest spot to stay cool. If you have a heatwave and are concerned, keep your cat indoors. My indoor cat is overheating – indoor cats do not need shaving.

What’s the best way to comb a Maine Coon?

Wide-tooth comb. If you’ve tried running your fingers through your Maine coon’s fur and it has not made any difference, then you can try using a wide-toothed comb (Click here to see if this great comb is still available, on Amazon). The best way to use this is to make sure that you grasp the end of the fur closest to the skin.

Maine Coons are not a shaved lion! A cat’s fur provides a means of protection from a multitude of things: From other cats – If ever your cat has an altercation with another cat, its fur provides a fair amount of protection from claws and teeth.

Unable to groom himself. If your cat is feeling sick, overweight or feeling pain when grooming, you may find that she will stop grooming. In time her fur will become neglected and matted. The matted fur will eventually get worse. With time and further neglect, it can become unmanageable. Why you mustn’t get her fur wet (When it’s matted).

Therefore by giving them a Maine Coon Lion Cut you actually interfere with its inbuilt temperature regulation so are doing it more harm than good. An outdoor cat will seek out the coolest, shadiest spot to stay cool. If you have a heatwave and are concerned, keep your cat indoors. My indoor cat is overheating – indoor cats do not need shaving.

Wide-tooth comb. If you’ve tried running your fingers through your Maine coon’s fur and it has not made any difference, then you can try using a wide-toothed comb (Click here to see if this great comb is still available, on Amazon). The best way to use this is to make sure that you grasp the end of the fur closest to the skin.