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How do you get rid of congestion in a kitten?

How do you get rid of congestion in a kitten?

A humidifier can help keep the nasal passages open so your cat can breathe easier. Alternatively, taking your cat with you into the bathroom while you shower can have a similar effect. Good nursing care can go a long way with helping your cat feel better.

When to take a congested kitten to the vet?

Congested kittens should always see a vet. Whether related to allergies or something else, like an upper respiratory infection, a kitten with nasal congestion needs to see a vet. In the meantime, there are steps you can take to make her comfortable and help her breathe easier.

How to clear nasal congestion in kittens-pets?

Well, not all the way, but take a hot shower and keep her in the bathroom. About 10 or 15 minutes of that shower steam will help clear her stuffed up nasal passages. Give her a squirt of pediatric nasal spray. Formulated for infants, this can be used on kittens in moderation.

Can a kitten get an upper respiratory infection?

While cats have been known for many years to have nine lives, they can still come down with the sniffles just like humans do. Cats and especially kittens are very vulnerable to upper respiratory infections (better known in veterinary offices as URIs), especially when living together in large groups such as in shelters and catteries.

What should I give my 5 week old kitten?

Because they are recently weaned, kitten formula should be the best nutrition for your kitten. Although they already have baby teeth, giving them dry food to accompany the formula might not be the best idea. Instead, give them wet and soft feed that they can easily munch and digest.

When to take a congested cat to the vet?

A congested cat’s symptoms can include coughing, sneezing, runny eyes and, in some cases, labored breathing. Congestion usually is not serious, but kittens and elderly cats are at higher risk and should be taken to a veterinarian right away.

Well, not all the way, but take a hot shower and keep her in the bathroom. About 10 or 15 minutes of that shower steam will help clear her stuffed up nasal passages. Give her a squirt of pediatric nasal spray. Formulated for infants, this can be used on kittens in moderation.

What does it mean when your cat sneezes and sounds congested?

Many cat owners have experienced a “snotty kitty” – your cat doesn’t feel well, sneezes and sounds congested much like a person with a cold. But what causes these infections and how can you help your cat feel better?

Why do Cats lose their appetite when they are congested?

Cats that are congested often lose their appetite. In part, it’s because the cat can’t smell as well. Wet food tends to have a stronger smell and will entice your cat to eat. It’s important that your cat keeps up his strength so that his body can continue to fight off the virus.