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How ringworm is caught?

How ringworm is caught?

Ringworm often spreads by direct, skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. Animal to human. You can contract ringworm by touching an animal with ringworm. Ringworm can spread while petting or grooming dogs or cats.

How do you get ringworm in a cat?

Ringworm is actually caused by a fungal infection, and in cats it is known as feline dermatophytosis. Cats become infected by coming in contact with fungal spores in the environment or on the coats of other infected animals.

How long can ringworm stay on a cat’s skin?

Surrounding hairs become infected and can break off due to brittleness. Infected cats have most likely caught the disease directly from other infected animals, or indirectly from the environment, as fungal spores shed from animal hairs or skin cells can survive for up to 52 months.

Can a cat with ringworm be euthanased?

Ringworm spreads rapidly. It is a zoonotic disease which means that it can spread from cats to humans. It is important to remember, however, that ringworm is treatable and that infected animals do not need to be euthanased.

Can a human get ringworm from an animal?

Animals can also be affected by ringworm and may transmit the condition to humans. In this case, ringworm is an example of a zoonotic disease, or a disease transmitted from animals to humans.

Where does ringworm come from in a cat?

Ringworm is not actually a worm, but a fungal disease that affects non-living tissue which contain keratin such as skin, hair and nails. The fungus lives in the soil, on animals or humans. Infections in humans or other animals (such as cats or dogs) occurs when there is a minor break in the skin or exposure to ongoing moisture and damage.

Is it possible to catch ringworm from a dog?

If you suspect your pet has ringworm, take the animal to your vet. It’s possible to catch ringworm from an animal. Dogs, cats, and other animals can pass ringworm to humans. Just as there are effective treatments for people, there are effective ringworm treatments for pets.

What should I do if my cat has ringworm?

If ringworm is diagnosed, treatment will typically involve the application of topical antifungal medications to all infected areas and, in most cases, a systemic medication as well. If the lesions are present in many areas of a cat’s skin, a full-body rinse or dip may be used.

Can a longhaired cat have ringworm without showing symptoms?

Some cats, especially longhaired breeds, may have ringworm without any clinical signs or hair loss. These cats are called ‘asymptomatic carriers’. These cats may infect other animals or people, especially in shelters or multi-cat environments, without caregivers knowing they are infected. How is ringworm transmitted?