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Is it normal for a cat to have back leg pain?

Is it normal for a cat to have back leg pain?

Back leg pain can take even the strongest kitties out of action for a bit. Whether your kitty’s a spring chicken or waiting on her Furball Association of Retired Cats card, rear leg weakness is not normal. It’s not necessarily a sign of impending doom, but it does need checked out.

What causes sudden back leg weakness in Old Cats?

Infection May Cause Sudden Hind Leg Weakness in an Old Cat Infectious disease can arise from a number of sources that affect the brain, including tick-borne diseases, Cryptococcus, feline infectious peritonitis and taxoplasmosis. As you can see, cancer is not on the list of sudden rear leg weakness in an older cat.

How to tell if your cat has leg problems?

Rear Leg Problems in Cats. 1 Lameness (limping) 2 Struggling to stand. 3 Slow or stiff walking. 4 Unsteady back legs. 5 Holding a leg off the floor while standing. 6 Dragging the back paws. 7 Legs giving out or collapsing. 8 Paralysis – unable to move the legs at all. 9 Reluctance to exercise, jump, or climb. 10 Disinterest in play.

Why does my cat hurt when I touch his back?

Psychological or physical factors can cause back pain in cats. If the skin on your cat’s back ripples when you touch it, then it likely has anxiety or hyperesthesia (an obsessive-compulsive disorder).

How can you tell if a cat’s leg is sprained or broken?

The signs that your cat has broken its leg or has a major injury in the leg are: Limp or difficulty walking. Very sharp and frequent meowing. Swelling in the affected leg. Apathy and lack of appetite. It is possible that the animal hides for fear of being examined.

How do you treat cats sprained leg?

Place the ice or cool pack on the sprained leg while your cat is resting. Leave it on for about 15 minutes every hour for about three hours. If the sprain seems severe, contact your veterinarian, who may prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medication.

Can cats sprain their leg?

Sprained Leg Symptoms. Sprains occur commonly on a cat’s rear legs and can be caused by his leaping onto an object, misjudging the height and then falling down, or scrambling with the hind legs to reach the top of the object. A sprained leg is usually swollen and warm to the touch over the affected joint. Some cats may refuse to bear any weight on the affected limb.

Why does my cat’s hind leg hurt so much?

Blood Clot. In what’s probably one of the scariest of the potential causes of your kitty’s hind end weakness, a blood clot can exit your cat’s heart and create a whole slew of problems by blocking the main arteries to her hind legs. When that happens, your cat will likely constantly cry out in pain.

What should I do if my cat’s back legs went limp?

Dahlia: If you had taken Lil Bit to the vet after his first episode, it’s possible that he or she might have been able to make a diagnosis and undertake some form of treatment. Siouxsie: But that’s really neither here nor there.

What causes weakness in the rear leg of a cat?

Kidney Failure. Kidney failure brings with it a host of nasty symptoms, including the possibility for rear leg weakness. Other symptoms include frequent urination, weak stream when urinating, lethargy, lack of appetite and a poor-looking coat.

What does kneading male neutered cat look like?

Cat becomes obsessed with hands, mounts shoulder or leg, fluffs with front paws, shakes back legs, becomes trance like. He is fixed, but this is definitely sexual. I find it creepy. I wish he’d stop.

Which is more likely a dog or a cat to scratch?

Cats with self-mutilating behaviors may also cause red, irritated areas called hot spots to form, but they are less likely than dogs to do so. Although compulsive cat scratching, licking, or chewing behaviors can develop in any animal, they are more commonly observed in Siamese cats and other Oriental breeds.

Why does my cat keep scratching and scratching?

Parasites. Fleas are often the culprits behind compulsive cat scratching or cat licking behaviors. Because cats are excellent groomers, they may actually remove all traces of fleas.

What kind of aggression does a neutered cat have?

I have seen several cases of aggression by neutered male cats to females that takes the form of sexual aggression.