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Should I give my cat thyroid medicine?

Should I give my cat thyroid medicine?

If your pet has other diseases, one treatment may be better for your cat than another. The anti-thyroid pill is methimazole, also known as Tapazole. Methimazole is given one to three times daily and must be continued life long. It takes several weeks for methimazole to reduce blood thyroid hormone levels to normal.

Can I crush my cats thyroid pills?

Do not break or crush the tablets. Trace amounts of Felimazole can be found in a treated cat’s feces (stool) and bodily fluids, so wear gloves when you scoop your cat’s litter or if you have contact with your cat’s feces, urine, or vomit. Also wear gloves when you handle broken or moistened Felimazole tablets.

What do you feed a cat with a thyroid problem?

It is best to feed: Canned or raw diets, that contain little to no fruits, vegetables, or grains. Any canned cat food is better than any dry, which contains too much carbohydrate and plant-based protein.

Which is the best treatment for hypothyroidism in cats?

To correct this condition, veterinarians utilize one of three main treatment options: oral medication, radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery. Hypothyroidism in cats most often occurs after a cat has received surgery or radioactive iodine therapy to treat hyperthyroidism.

How to dose and monitor hyperthyroid cats on methimazole?

How to Dose and Monitor Hyperthyroid Cats on Methimazole Antithyroid drugs, including methimazole and carbimazole, are medications that treat an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) by blocking the thyroid gland’s ability to make thyroid hormone.

Are there any side effects for cats with hyperthyroid disease?

Your veterinarian will need to check your cat’s thyroid hormones levels regularly for as long as your cat is on oral therapy. About 10 to 15% of cats experience side effects, such as vomiting and loss of appetite. These side effects may resolve themselves during the course of treatment.

Can a cat have hypothyroidism after thyroid surgery?

In fact, hypothyroidism is most likely to occur in a cat who is being treated for hyperthyroidism or after thyroid surgery. The treatment works too well and the thyroid goes from being overactive to being under active. Occasionally hypothyroidism may be seen in older cats, but again, it is rare.

What is the best thyroid medication for cats?

Methimazole is the most commonly prescribed medication for hyperthyroidism in cats. It is an anti-thyroid medication that comes in tablet form. It works to restore normal thyroid levels by interfering with iodine, which is an element that enables the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones.

What are some side effects of thyroid medication for my Cat?

Common adverse effects associated with this medication include: – GI effects occur in about 10% of treated cats may be related to the drug’s bitter taste or direct gastric irritation and are often transient. – Bloodwork changes to the white blood cells and red blood cells can also be seen.

What not to feed cats with hyperthyroidism?

But for now, do not feed your cats canned or dry, fish-flavored cat foods. If you feed your cats fish, avoid fish like salmon and whitefish that are known to concentrate this chemical. Not all cats that develop hyperthyroidism eat fish products. The EPA veterinarians who conducted the study pointed out…

Why do so many cats develop hyperthyroidism?

Environmental risk factors have been investigated and may predispose some cats to hyperthyroidism, although the specific mechanisms are not known. Exposure to high levels of dietary iodine may cause susceptible cats to develop hyperthyroidism.