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Should you go to the hospital for excessive vomiting?

Should you go to the hospital for excessive vomiting?

For the most part, if you have uncontrolled vomiting for extended periods of time where you can’t keep anything down, you should go to the emergency room. This is especially true for the very young, the elderly, or those with severe underlying health conditions, Dr. Lee says.

What does it mean when your child keeps throwing up?

However, persistent vomiting can sometimes cause your child to become severely dehydrated and occasionally it can be a sign of something more serious, such as meningitis. This page outlines what to do if your child keeps vomiting and describes some of the common causes of vomiting in children and babies.

What does it mean when a person is vomiting all the time?

you’ve been vomiting repeatedly for more than a day or two. you’re unable to keep down any fluids because you are vomiting repeatedly. your vomit is green (this could mean you are bringing up a fluid called bile, which suggests you may have a blockage in your bowel – see below)

What should I do if I Am throwing up all the time?

If you’re vomiting, try to drink small amounts of a sugary liquid, such as a soda or fruit juice. Drinking ginger ale or eating ginger can help settle your stomach. Avoid acidic juices, such as orange juice. They may upset your stomach further.

Is it normal for babies and toddlers to vomit?

It’s normal for babies and children to vomit occasionally. In most cases, it will last no longer than one to two days and isn’t a sign of anything serious. The most common cause of vomiting in children and babies is gastroenteritis.

When do you start throwing up after eating food?

The onset of food poisoning usually begins 2 to 12 hours after eating the food and involves throwing up with no fever. Common food sources that cause food poisoning are spoiled mayonnaise, chicken, fish, beef, or salad dressing. Some clues that it may be food poisoning are: Often there is vomiting without fever

What causes a person to throw up all the time?

Vomiting and diarrhoea are signs of gastrointestinal issues. Treatments vary depending on the cause and severity. Vomiting and diarrhoea may be caused by a viral infection, parasitic infection, cancer, internal organs problem, or as simple as indigestion.

When to get concerned about your dog vomiting?

Your dog is most likely fine if he vomits once without any other symptoms, according to veterinarians. If your dog’s vomiting can be described as any of the following, then it is time to start getting concerned: Vomiting with other symptoms, like fever, weight loss, lethargy, anemia, etc. It never hurts to play it safe when it comes to dog health.

How often should you give Pepcid for vomiting?

Vomiting has continued at least once daily and 2 times yesterday of large amount of mucousy yellow foamy liquid and appears when salivating. No undigested food has been vomited. Have been giving her 5 mg Pepcid AC twice a day and while able to eat continues with clear to foamy yellow vomit.