What could a mass in the colon be?
Most non-cancerous tumours are polyps that are attached to the lining of the colon or rectum. They usually stick out from the lining and grow toward the hollow centre of the colon or rectum. Non-cancerous tumours of the colon or rectum are usually found during a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.
Why does my cat have a large colon?
While an occasional bout of constipation may happen to any feline, some cats suffer from a chronic form that is harder to control. Over time, permanent damage to the colon may occur. A large, distended colon is the hallmark of the painful condition known as megacolon.
What does it mean when you have a mass in your colon?
What is a colon mass? A colon mass is any growth, object or plug (like a fecal plug) that is located in the colon of the large intestine. Masses in the colon may cause any obstruction (blockage), excessive stretching or even tearing of the bowel.
Can a cat have a tumor in the intestine?
Though uncommon, there are a variety of tumors that can develop in the large and small intestines in cats.
Can a small colon mass cause rectal bleeding?
Rectal bleeding, which is one of the more serious signs of a colon mass. It is important to note that there may be little to no symptoms if the mass is small. There many different types of colon masses. Some are due to an overgrowth of colonic tissue while others are hardened colonic contents, like a fecal plug.
While an occasional bout of constipation may happen to any feline, some cats suffer from a chronic form that is harder to control. Over time, permanent damage to the colon may occur. A large, distended colon is the hallmark of the painful condition known as megacolon.
Which is the most common colon cancer in cats?
Lymphoma is the most common, followed by adenocarcinoma. Your vet will confirm a diagnosis of feline colon cancer by first ruling out the possibility that your cat’s symptoms may in fact be caused by another condition.
Can a male cat get an intestinal tumor?
Intestinal tumors are most likely to occur in middle-aged to older cats who are over six years of age. Male cats are more likely to develop intestinal tumors than females. Though uncommon, there are a variety of tumors that can develop in the large and small intestines in cats.
Can you put down a cat with an abdominal mass?
Abdominal mass in a cat. My husband and I put down our Ivy today. It was rather sudden and unexpected and now I am troubled and regretting our decision. Ivy was 11 years old, a playful troublemaker that had no interest in listening or obeying you.