What is a Maine Coon polydactyl?
Polydactyl Maine Coons are born with extra toes, due to inherited genetic anomaly. They’re nicknamed ‘double-paws’ due to their double width paws. Polydactyl stands for multi-toed. Physical anomaly commonly found on East Coast of North America.
Are all polydactyl cats Maine Coon?
And, lucky for Maine coons, polydactyly was very common in the breed—at one time about 40 percent of Maine coons had extra digits. Today, polydactyly has been bred out of many Maine coon cats, but the breed polydactyl Maine coon is still recognized by some cat fanciers.
How much is a polydactyl Maine Coon worth?
As seen online, the average cost of adult polydactyl cats is around $300 to $800. But the kittens of some popular breed of polydactyl, like the American Polydactyl, cost as much as $1300. In fact, a cattery that breeds Maine Coon cats sell their polydactyl kittens for as much as $2000.
What is a purebred Maine Coon?
Purebred Maine Coons have large muscular frames which are considered to be rectangular in shape. Their bodies are always very long, and their muscular legs should be medium in length, and proportional to their body.
Do all Maine Coons have 6 toes?
SOME MAINE COONS HAVE SIX TOES. Early in the breed’s development, Maine Coons were often polydactyls, meaning they were born with extra appendages on their paws. Some experts estimate that as many as 40 percent of early Maine Coons had this characteristic.
Do all Maine Coons have 5 toes?
The extra toes are not unique to the Maine Coon it can affect many different breeds. Though the Maine Coon is one of the most well-known of the six-toed kitties. Around 40% of the Maine Coon population has extra toes.
Is polydactyl cats worth money?
Are Polydactyl Cats Worth Money Some adult or retired polydactyl cats can go for less, around $500 or more. Because these cats are so special, they may set you back a bit of money, but if you look around, you may be able to find a polydactyl cat up for adoption.
What two breeds make a Maine Coon cat?
Since genetic testing indicates that Maine Coons are actually a descendent of both the Norwegian Forest Cat and a mysterious extinct domestic breed, the Vikings are likely responsible.
How did polydactyl Maine Coon get its name?
The word “ Polydactyly ” was named from the Greek, which means many or extra toes. Polydactyly has been a common trait in the Maine Coon cat breed. It also contributes to the large proportion of the Maine Coon’s gene. However, this anomaly is totally harmless and predominantly affects the cats from the US, Wale, and England.
What do you call a Maine Coon with extra toes?
A polydactyl Maine coon is a Maine Coon in every characteristic and with extra toes. This word means multi-toed, and the extra-large paws are nick-named double-paws, because the paws are usually double-wide in size.
How did the Maine Coon cat get its name?
Thus the early Maine Cat developed into the traditional type and style still seen in todays moderate Maine Coons. These early Maine cats were known as ‘Maine cats’ or ‘cooncat’ in the mid-1800’s (in a story by a celebrated Maine author of that period, whose cat named “Polly”, grew up together with her.)
How big does a Maine Coon kitten get?
An Overview Of Maine Coon Kittens. The first thing you’ll probably notice is that Maine Coons are big–really big! actually , the record for the world’s longest domestic cat belongs to a Maine Coon who grew to be over four feet long. But these kitties have more going for them than size. They’re affectionate without being needy, they’re …
Can a Maine Coon be a polydactyl cat?
The Maine Coon breed did formerly used to produce a significant number of polydactyl cats when left to breed naturally, but as polydactyly is considered to be a disqualifying fault when showing, the trait has almost entirely been bred out of the breed.
Are there any purebred Maine Coon kittens?
In our Cattery you may find all types of polydactyl cats, patty paws, mitten paws as well as kittens with standard paws. We work since 2006, successfully raising purebred and healthy Maine Coon cats. In our Cattery you may find all types of polydactyl cats, patty paws, mitten paws as well as kittens with standard paws.
A polydactyl Maine coon is a Maine Coon in every characteristic and with extra toes. This word means multi-toed, and the extra-large paws are nick-named double-paws, because the paws are usually double-wide in size.
What makes a Maine Coon a poly Coon?
Initially Maine Coons are the wild breed of the northern American forests. The nature created the polydactyly to provide Maine Coons with larger, wider paws with extra-toes for more insulation and additional stability to help traversing the snowy terrains. USA, Canada, South America, Europe and Asia. Most of them won championships awards.