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What kind of chicken lays colored eggs?

What kind of chicken lays colored eggs?

Chickens that lay colored eggs include Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Welsummer, Maran and Easter Egger hens. No matter the color, hens need balanced nutrition to lay eggs with strong, protective shells.

Can you tell what color egg a chicken will lay?

The colour of the lobe varies with the breed of the chicken, ranging from white to almost black. Chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs exclusively while birds with dark lobes lay brown eggs. The fascinating Araucana breed of chickens can even have earlobes that are a pale green or blue colour.

Do chickens only lay one color egg?

While every breed of chicken lays a slightly different colored egg, I imagine not many chicken owners have the ability to compare the eggs of a single bird day after day. Here’s proof that it’s totally possible for one chicken to lay multiple colors of eggs. As you can see, some days they have faint speckles.

Can one chicken lay multiple colors of eggs?

Here’s proof that it’s totally possible for one chicken to lay multiple colors of eggs. As you can see, some days they have faint speckles. Some days are shinier than others. Some days the egg shell is darker, some days it’s lighter.

Why do chickens have colored eggs?

The reason behind the colored eggs is unclear, but most agree that chickens that lay colored eggs are doing so in a natural response to their surroundings. If the egg color is camouflaged within the nesting material it will have a better chance of being unseen by predators and reaching maturity.

What chickens lay green or blue eggs?

The Araucanas chicken is well known for its ability to lay blue and green eggs. This breed is originally from Chile, from the Araucania region. It is classified as a rare breed. Its other names are Gallina Mapuche, the Mapuche Fowl, and the South American Rumpless.

What chicken breed lays purple eggs?

A Chilean Tinamou is a chicken-like bird that lays a dark (and very shiny) purple egg. They are not actually a chicken though, but some people do keep them as part of their backyard flock. A Marans egg with the bloom still on it can appear purple as well, when wet it will look brown again, then purple when dried.

Here’s proof that it’s totally possible for one chicken to lay multiple colors of eggs. As you can see, some days they have faint speckles. Some days are shinier than others. Some days the egg shell is darker, some days it’s lighter.

The reason behind the colored eggs is unclear, but most agree that chickens that lay colored eggs are doing so in a natural response to their surroundings. If the egg color is camouflaged within the nesting material it will have a better chance of being unseen by predators and reaching maturity.

The Araucanas chicken is well known for its ability to lay blue and green eggs. This breed is originally from Chile, from the Araucania region . It is classified as a rare breed. Its other names are Gallina Mapuche , the Mapuche Fowl, and the South American Rumpless .

A Chilean Tinamou is a chicken-like bird that lays a dark (and very shiny) purple egg. They are not actually a chicken though, but some people do keep them as part of their backyard flock. A Marans egg with the bloom still on it can appear purple as well, when wet it will look brown again, then purple when dried.