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Where did cats live before they were domesticated?

Where did cats live before they were domesticated?

The earlier ancestors of today’s domestic cats spread from southwest Asia and into Europe as early as 4400 B.C. The cats likely started hanging around farming communities in the Fertile Crescent about 8,000 years ago, where they settled into a mutually beneficial relationship as humans’ rodent patrol.

Is it worth it to adopt a rescue cat?

A pet cat will bring love and joy into any home that accepts them with open arms and hearts, but that love gains a special meaning when the cat is a rescue from the streets. Many of these adopted cats have been saved from the brink of death. If you’re considering getting a cat, we hope that this list will convince you to to adopt.

Can a cat be saved from the brink of death?

Many of these adopted cats have been saved from the brink of death. If you’re considering getting a cat, we hope that this list will convince you to to adopt. They need your love!

Why are my cats so skittish when I rescue them?

It is always important to keep in mind that the cat you are “rescuing” may already have a healthy and safe home! Some cats are just skittish because they know you’re a stranger in a strange place, and they intend to go home after they’re done mooching food.

When was the last time a cat lived outside?

Did you know that just 70 years ago, few cats lived entirely indoors at all? In fact, for more than 10,000 years, cats have lived outdoor lives, sharing the environment with birds and wildlife.

Where did humans and cats first live together?

A burial site in Cyprus provides the first archaeological evidence of humans and cats living side-by-side, as far back as 9,500 years ago. Cats must have been brought to the island intentionally by humans. In ancient Egypt, cats were worshipped, mummified, and sometimes even dressed in golden jewelry to indicate the status of their owners.

A pet cat will bring love and joy into any home that accepts them with open arms and hearts, but that love gains a special meaning when the cat is a rescue from the streets. Many of these adopted cats have been saved from the brink of death. If you’re considering getting a cat, we hope that this list will convince you to to adopt.

When did cats roam freely in the United States?

Up until the 1950s, cats roamed American neighborhoods freely, using the great outdoors as their litter area.