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Can a hyperthyroid cat gain weight?

Can a hyperthyroid cat gain weight?

Cats suffering from hyperthyroidism can become emaciated if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Tell your veterinarian which food(s) you are feeding and how much you are feeding so that he or she can ensure that the diet should help your cat gain weight and muscle mass while medical treatment is started.

Does methimazole cause weight gain?

Results. After methimazole treatment, body weight was initially increased (0–8 weeks), subsequently plateaued (8–24 weeks), and gradually decreased in the later period (24–52 weeks) despite the decreased food intake.

Does methimazole cause weight loss in cats?

Most cats that I see who are loosing weight while on treatment with methimazole have high serum T4 concentrations, which can explain the weight loss.

How to dose and monitor hyperthyroid cats on methimazole?

How to Dose and Monitor Hyperthyroid Cats on Methimazole Antithyroid drugs, including methimazole and carbimazole, are medications that treat an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) by blocking the thyroid gland’s ability to make thyroid hormone.

Can you give a 17 year old cat methimazole?

Yes, if your cat had underlying, concurrent kidney disease (not unusual in a 17-year old cat), then giving methimazole could unmask the kidney disease. This is especially true if the methimazole dosage was too high, leading to hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

What causes a 6 month old cat to gain weight?

If your cat is a female over 6 months old that hasn’t been spayed, a possible cause of her weight gain is pregnancy. A momentary rendezvous outdoors can easily result in your cat becoming pregnant. A distended belly, a decrease in physical activity and an increase in appetite could mean your young cat is expecting kittens.

How to know if your cat is overweight or obese?

(See the Muscle Condition Score chart: Cats or Dogs) Your cat is overweight if he is 10% more than the ideal weight and obese if over 20% of the ideal weight. 2.

Can a hyperthyroid Cat take methimazole too well?

A small minority of cats really don’t tolerate methimazole too well as I understand it and can have serious side effects. It might be good check back with the vet and let them know these symptoms and that they appear to be new after starting the methimazole, and see what they say.

How does methimazole cause weight gain and what to do about it?

Methimazole can absolutely cause weight gain and it does this by blocking thyroid function and activation in the tissues in your body. Over-blocking thyroid hormone may actually take you from hyperthyroidism to hypothyroidism which may then trigger symptoms such as hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, constipation and so on.

When to give methimazole to a pregnant cat?

When should it not be given to cats. Make sure to discuss with your vet of any existing health conditions in your cat. Methimazole is not prescribed for cats that have: Its use is also not recommended for pregnant and nursing cats because it may be toxic to an embryo and cause birth defects [1].

When to take your cat to the vet for weight gain?

If your cat has experienced recent weight loss, it’s a good idea to go to the vet for an examination and some blood tests to rule out these diseases before attempting to get your cat to gain weight.