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Do kittens throw up hairballs?

Do kittens throw up hairballs?

Kittens can get hairballs, although it’s not as common as in adult cats. Kittens are adept learners, and as they grow up, their grooming habits will mature as well. This could lead to hairballs, especially if your kitten has longer hair.

Why is my Cat throwing up hairball after hairball?

If you aren’t sure if your cat is vomiting hairballs more often than what would be considered normal, consult with a vet. Another reason why a cat might vomit is because she ate something that she wasn’t supposed to. For example, spoiled food, plants, poisonous materials, and household objects, such as string, might cause a kitty to vomit.

What to do if your cat has a hairball problem?

If your cat has a consistent hairball problem, you might want to look into a cat food that is formulated for hairballs.

Why does my cat spit out her hair?

Hairballs are an unfortunate by-product of our kitties’ cleanliness. When your cat grooms herself (or other cats in the household), the velcro-like barbs on her tongue pull out hair, which she swallows. Since hair is indigestible, it usually passes through the GI tract and is eliminated in the litter box.

How does hair get out of a cat’s stomach?

Since hair is indigestible, it usually passes through the GI tract and is eliminated in the litter box. However, sometimes hair forms a matted clump in the stomach that isn’t able to pass through. Its only source of elimination is to be ejected through vomiting.

When to take your cat to the vet for hairballs?

Most cats vomit 1-2 hairballs each month, with long-haired cats or those that groom excessively having hairballs more often. Very frequent hairballs or vomiting without hairballs could be signs of additional digestive trouble, including cancer, and pet owners should take their cats to the vet to be sure there are no underlying problems.

If you aren’t sure if your cat is vomiting hairballs more often than what would be considered normal, consult with a vet. Another reason why a cat might vomit is because she ate something that she wasn’t supposed to. For example, spoiled food, plants, poisonous materials, and household objects, such as string, might cause a kitty to vomit.

What do hairballs look like in a cat?

But if some hair stays in the stomach, it can form a hairball. Usually, your cat will vomit the hairball to get rid of it. Because hairballs pass through the narrow esophagus on the way out, they often appear thin and tube-like, rather than round. Hairballs in cats are more likely to appear in long-haired breeds, such as Persians and Maine Coons.

How to tell if your cat is vomiting hair?

If you want to check on whether your cat is experiencing problems with hairballs, the signs to look for include the cat vomiting long cigar-shaped material full of hair, a cat vomiting food immediately after eating and attempting to eat again, passing hair in stool, and rarely, a lack of appetite and weight loss.