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How does a X-ray machine Show Your Body?

How does a X-ray machine Show Your Body?

The machine sends a beam of radiation through your body. Your hard, dense bones block that beam, so they show up as white on the film below you. The radiation also goes through softer tissue like muscle and fat, which appear in shades of gray in the X-ray.

How are X-rays used in the medical field?

Doctors use them to diagnose: Doctors can also use X-rays to find an object that a child or adult swallowed. An X-ray can be used to check your lungs for signs of pneumonia or tuberculosis, to figure out why you have shortness of breath, or to see if you have heart failure. What Happens During an X-ray?

How long does it take a radiologist to read an X-ray?

A radiologist is a medical doctor who is specially trained in reading and understanding the results of imaging scans like X-rays. X-ray images are digital, so a radiologist can see them on a screen within minutes in an emergency. For nonemergencies, it may take a day or so for them to review the X-ray and get back to you with the results.

How are X-rays taken while you lie down?

Doctors can take images while you stand up or lie down. It depends on the area of your body being examined. The X-ray tube hangs over the table. The film is in a drawer under the table. The machine sends a beam of radiation through your body. Your hard, dense bones block that beam, so they show up as white on the film below you.

What kind of test is done instead of X-ray?

CT angiography takes pictures of blood vessels using a CT scanner instead of a standard x-ray machine. The contrast dye can be put into a small vein in the arm instead of having to put a catheter into a major blood vessel. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is an MRI study of the blood vessels.

How are X-rays used to check for cancer?

X-rays and Other Radiographic Tests for Cancer. Other names for this test: radiographs, roentgenograms, and contrast studies. X-rays and other radiographic tests help doctors look for cancer in different parts of the body including bones, and organs like the stomach and kidneys.

What happens if there is a mix up in a blood test?

Although mix-ups of blood test samples are rare, they do happen. How your blood sample is handled before it’s analyzed can affect results, too. For example, if the sample is collected in the wrong container, shaken inappropriately, or stored for too long or at the wrong temperature, you may get an erroneous result.

How is a chest X-ray taken from the front?

Then a side view is often taken with your arms either above your head or in front of you. The technologist will tell you when to take a deep breath and hold still. For a chest x-ray in people who can’t stand, the film is put under them and the picture is taken from the front. During an abdominal (belly) x-ray, you lie down on a table.