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What kind of food should you eat when you have diarrhea?

What kind of food should you eat when you have diarrhea?

While recovering from diarrhea, a person should eat bland, simple foods that are easy to digest and will help absorb some water from the stool. People with diarrhea should eat bland foods, as spicy or complex foods can irritate the bowels. Bland foods that may help with diarrhea include:

What causes stomach pain and diarrhea after eating?

Gastroenteritis makes your digestive system very sensitive to irritative foods. Consuming these foods during a bout of gastroenteritis could lead to stomach pain and diarrhea after eating.

Is there a link between diet and diarrhea?

Whether your diarrhea is only occasional and caused by allergies or food poisoning, or due to a chronic condition like irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease, diet and diarrhea are intricately linked. Even if you have long-term conditions that affect the digestive system, the diet you eat can greatly affect your digestive system.

How often do you have an episode of diarrhea?

Occasional diarrhea is a common occurrence. Most people will experience an episode of diarrhea at least once or twice a year that will disappear in a couple of days. Luckily, there are many foods to eat that may help a person reduce the symptoms of diarrhea.

What kind of diet should I start if I have diarrhea?

If you’ve also been vomiting, wait until you can tolerate solid food before starting the diarrhea diet. Try warm broth or sips of water first and see how you feel. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, you may want to stick to clear liquids for a few hours to a full day. Once you feel like eating, choose bland food and start with small portions.

What should I do if I have diarrhea and nausea?

If you have diarrhea and other symptoms (like nausea, abdominal cramping, and bloating), temporarily following a limited diet of easily digested foods reduces stress on your digestive system and gives your bowels a chance to rest, so you can recover.

What happens to your body when you have diarrhea?

If you have diarrhea and other symptoms like nausea, abdominal cramping, and bloating, temporarily following a limited diet of easily digested foods reduces stress on your digestive system and gives your bowels a chance to rest, so you can recover. The diarrhea diet also encourages you to restore your body’s fluid and electrolyte balance.

When to worry about undigested food in your stool?

If a person is especially nutritionally deficient, this could indicate the presence of a food allergy or intolerance. In the absence of other digestive-related symptoms, undigested food particles in the stool is usually not a cause for concern. Talk to your doctor if you develop symptoms that concern you.