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What questions do you ask a seizure patient?

What questions do you ask a seizure patient?

Questions the doctor may ask during your appointment

  • When did your seizure(s) start?
  • How many seizures have you had?
  • Do you notice if anything changes prior to having a seizure?
  • How long does the seizure(s) last?
  • Have you been able to pinpoint a trigger?
  • Are you on any medications?

Is it common for cats to have seizures?

Seizures And Epilepsy In Cats. There can be a number of reasons why a cat may suddenly have a seizure (or fit), one of which could be epilepsy. It is estimated that around 1% of all cats will contract epilepsy at some point in their lives, and it is the most common sign of chronic neurological feline disorder although, like human epilepsy,…

Which is the most serious form of epilepsy in cats?

The most serious form of epilepsy is a generalised seizure known as Status Epilepticus and appears at first to be a ‘Grand Mal’ seizure, but lasts far longer, and immediately goes into another fit, although this condition is rare in cats.

How long does it take a cat to recover from a seizure?

After the seizure is complete, which generally occurs in a few minutes, your cat will be in the post-ictal phase, which is a recovery period. Seizures generally last a minute or two, possibly up to three or four minutes.

When to take a cat off epilepsy medication?

If the cat ceases to have seizure after about a year of treatment, the vet may well suggest that they come off the medication, although again, this will need to be done gradually rather than in one go. Do you like this article? Have something to say? Then leave your comments.

What happens when a cat has a grand mal seizure?

Grand mal seizures cause the cat to fall on their side and experience muscle convulsions. Grand mal seizures are diagnosed much more frequently than petit mal seizures. Neither petit mal or grand mal seizures will cause your feline to experience any pain. However, they will often be confused and disoriented once the seizure passes.

When to take your cat to the ER for a seizure?

Grand mal seizures can occur alone or in clusters and typically last a minute or two. If a seizure lasts longer than five to 10 minutes then it’s called “status epilepticus,” and is a medical emergency; you should take your cat for emergency veterinary care immediately.

What are the different types of cat seizures?

Feline seizures are divided into two types: 1 Partial or focal seizures, where just a part of the brain is affected, leading to localized muscle twitching e.g face,… 2 Generalized seizures (also known as “grand mal” seizures) where the abnormal electrical activity affects most of the… More

How long does a post ictal seizure last in a cat?

The post-ictal phase can last for 24-48 hours in the cat. Generalized seizures Also called grand mal seizure, this is characterized by jerking movements, rigid limbs, paddling/running movements, loss of fecal and urinary control.