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Why does my hamster have a bump on his head?

Why does my hamster have a bump on his head?

Signs of Abscesses in Hamsters An abscess is most likely to form on or around the head of a hamster. On occasion, an abscess may be inside the body or elsewhere under the skin but they are more often seen in the cheeks or on the neck.

Why is my hamsters head swollen?

Abscesses are painful for a hamster, and will need to be drained and cleaned by a vet. The visual symptom of an abscess is a swelling on the hamster’s body or face. It could be soft or hard. The swelling will be full of pus that the hamster’s immune system has produced to fight the infection.

What causes lumps on the back of a hamster?

Lumps on a Hamster 1 Testicular Lumps. As a male hamster matures, its testicles develop. 2 On the Mammary Glands. Lumps on a hamster’s mammary glands often appear on the sides or underside… 3 Facial Lumps. Facial lumps can be caused by a few things. 4 On a Hamster’s Body.

Why does my dwarf hamster have a lump on his chest?

Dwarf hamster breeds get lumps on their chests and bellies as they get older. These lumps are not a concern unless they become ulcerated. In this situation, you should consult a vet for treatment options.

Why does my hamster have a black spot on his tail?

Sometimes scent glands can become infected which could cause the itchiness and balding. If this is the case, then the vet can prescribe a topical antibiotic cream that may help. It’s also possible for these glands to become cancerous.

How can you tell if a hamster has a tumor?

Hamsters can develop other lumps called abscesses, which are pockets of infection. When diagnosing a tumor in hamsters, it is important to make sure the lump is a tumor and not an abscess. An abscess will be red and maybe even warm to the touch, indicating infection and inflammation.

What does it mean when a hamster has a lump on its breast?

On the Mammary Glands. Lumps on a hamster’s mammary glands often appear on the sides or underside of the nipples. If these lumps grow fast or are hard to the touch, this could be a sign of tumor. Again, seek a diagnosis from a vet. Another type of lump on the mammary glad includes hamster mastitis.

Sometimes scent glands can become infected which could cause the itchiness and balding. If this is the case, then the vet can prescribe a topical antibiotic cream that may help. It’s also possible for these glands to become cancerous.

How can I tell if my hamster has lymphoma?

Watch for lumps in the armpit and neck. Lymphoma commonly causes swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit and neck. If you see lumps in your hamster’s neck and armpits, the lymph nodes in those areas are likely swollen with cancer cells. Check for wart-like lumps on the skin.

Why does my Chinese dwarf hamster have lumps on his testicles?

The male Chinese dwarf hamster on the other hand typically has prominent testicles all the time. There is no concern if these types of lumps appear. When there is a time to be concerned is when a hamster’s testicles become hardened, distended, or don’t eventually retract. These can be the signs of a testicular tumor.