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Can you give cats stool softeners?

Can you give cats stool softeners?

Stool softeners are also a common first line choice for any cat that is having difficulty defecating. Lactulose (0.5 ml/kg BID-TID)3, has historically been the laxative of choice. The dose of this medication may be adjusted by the owner to achieve a desired stool consistency.

What can I give my cat to make her stool softer?

Miralax (PEG 3350) is commonly used in cats with constipation, and Colace (docusate) is also an option. Other laxatives that are designed for people can cause issues for cats.

Do you need to give your cat a stool softener?

As for stool softeners, I’m not convinced that your cat really needs them at the moment. Having firm or hard stool is not necessarily a predictor of future problems. If you see your cat straining to defecate, or if the frequency of defecation decreases, perhaps then would I consider a stool softener.

What can I give my elderly cat to make him poop?

There are a number of natural remedies: 1 Olive oil 2 Cow’s milk 3 Tinned pumpkin 4 Leafy greens

What kind of enema can I give my Cat for constipation?

Some types of enemas are actually very toxic to cats. “Your veterinarian may prescribe lactulose, a synthetic sugar used to treat constipation. It is broken down in the colon into products that pull water out from the body and into the colon.

What should I do if my cat’s stool is hard?

Having firm or hard stool is not necessarily a predictor of future problems. If you see your cat straining to defecate, or if the frequency of defecation decreases, perhaps then would I consider a stool softener. The first thing I would try is cat hairball ointments. Given two or three times a week, they help prevent cat hairballs.

What can I give my Cat for a stool softener?

Olive oil has been used as a stool softener in cats. You could also add a tablespoon of plain canned pumpkin to her food. Most cats love it and it works great.

How is stool softener used to treat constipation?

Stool Softener Capsule. This medication is used to treat occasional constipation. Some medications and conditions can make constipation more likely. Stool softeners such as docusate are often the first method used for preventing and treating this type of constipation.

When to call the doctor about stool softener?

Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve, or if you have not had a bowel movement within 1 to 3 days. Overuse of a stool softener can lead to serious medical problems. Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Do not freeze liquid medicine.

When to stop using Colace as a stool softener?

Do not use Colace for longer than 7 days unless your doctor has told you to. Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve, or if you have not had a bowel movement within 1 to 3 days. Overuse of a stool softener can lead to serious medical problems.