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Can you have a dog and a cat?

Can you have a dog and a cat?

Lions and lambs. Birds and worms. Dogs and cats. There are some combinations of animals, which left to their own devices, just don’t mix. This is especially true if both species like to lounge in your living room.

Can a cat and a dog get along?

Yes, both your cat and dog can “just get along”. Lions and lambs. Birds and worms. Dogs and cats. There are some combinations of animals, which left to their own devices, just don’t mix. This is especially true if both species like to lounge in your living room.

What kind of dog will play with cats?

Beagle Although the Beagle is a hunting dog, they are an exception due to their friendly demeanor and history of getting along with other animals. Our editor Samantha has a Beagle (and a Lab!) living together with cats in complete peace. They love to play, and want to make friends with any animal that will play with them.

Are there small animals that can live with cats?

Small rodents such as mice, hamsters, and gerbils would be a much more challenging match. “These animals are small enough to quickly escape underneath a closed door and go out into the house; even the most sedate senior cat may respond to the flurry of motion and react by attacking the creature,” Cruzen explained.

What kind of dog is best for a small cat?

If you’re tight on space, these small dog breeds won’t cramp your kitty’s style: Cavalier King Charles spaniel: Cavaliers are known for their calm and reserved temperament; they’re likely to show your cat respect and give them space.

Can a puppy get along with a cat?

The dog’s age: Regardless of their breed, a puppy is more likely to get along with the household cat than an adult dog is. A puppy, if introduced to your cat between the ages of 4 to 12 weeks, will have no problem acclimating to a kitty’s presence.

Is it OK for a dog to play with a kitten?

Because kittens are small and want to run and play, dogs with a strong prey drive may be very excited by a kitten’s movements. Even if your dog is OK with your adult cats, it is important to watch her closely when she’s with a kitten. If your dog is young and high-energy, she could hurt or kill the kitten simply by trying to play.

Can a dog live with more than one cat?

Sometimes, a dog can live with certain cats (depending on their age, temperament and activity level), but not others. Even if your dog has successfully lived with cats in the past, it is important to remember that each dog and each cat is an individual and therefore each introduction is different.