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Is it OK to declaw an older cat?

Is it OK to declaw an older cat?

If your kitten is already spayed or neutered, we may perform the declaw surgery earlier. The recovery time is much quicker when cats are young. There also are fewer potential complications. We do not recommend declawing older cats.

Is it better for a cat to not be declawed?

For both the welfare of the individual cat and the general feline population, avoiding declawing seems to be what is better for everyone. To better help avoid surgeries such as declawing, taking better care of your cat’s claws might be the solution to a scratching problem. A cat’s claws or nails grow constantly throughout their lives.

What happens when a cat’s toe is declawed?

Declawing Can Result in Long-Term Problems for Cats. Declawing, or onychectomy, is a severe surgical procedure in which the last bone of each toe (the third phalanx) is amputated. Many cats who have been declawed refuse to use the litter box over time, because the process is extremely painful.

How long does it take for a cat to recover from a declaw?

For uncomplicated cases, Dr. Richardson notes that recovery time is around 10 to 14 days. “Cats that have undergone a full declaw will be tender on their paws for several weeks and possibly permanently due to the altered anatomy of the paw.” Removing the claws of an outdoor cat is among the mistakes cat owners should never make.

What’s the name of the procedure to declaw a cat?

The declaw procedure, called an onychectomy, involves the surgical removal of all or part of the bone that attaches to the nail, along with a portion of a tendon and ligament.

Is it OK to declaw kittens at any age?

Yes, it is true that young kittens seem to recover faster than older cats, but it’s not because they feel any less pain or have suffered any less trauma. Declawing cats isn’t ok at any age. Alternatives to Declawing Cats

Why does my cat have pain after declawing?

Some people believe that cats experience pain after a declaw for not just days or weeks, but months or even years, due to nerve damage that occurs during the surgery. Pain may be traditional pain or may be “phantom pain,” similar to what human amputees report (feeling pain in a limb that is no longer there).

What are the pros and cons of declawing cats?

The biggest consequence of cat declawing is chronic pain. “Cats are very good at hiding signs of pain and discomfort, so they can be uncomfortable for many years without you knowing,” Dr. Richardson explains.

What’s the name of the surgery to declaw a cat?

The cat declawing surgery is officially known as an onychectomy. Declawing is a partial digital amputation—the distal phalanx (last bone) of each toe is removed with a surgical blade (scalpel), surgical laser or sterilized guillotine-style nail clipper. Declawing doesn’t just remove a cat’s claws.