Should I take my rabbit to the vet for ear mites?
Whenever your bunny shows any signs of ear problems, you should take him to the vet immediately. Ear problems can cause major pain for your rabbit, and point to severe infections. You should tell your vet about all the symptoms you have seen in your bunny.
How do vets treat ear mites in rabbits?
How do I treat the mites? The mites can be treated with a variety of different anti-parasite treatments including a topical ivermectin Spot-on, such as Xeno® 450 Spot-on or Xeno® 50 mini Spot-on applied to the back of the neck. Ear mites can cause irritation and pain.
Can rabbits feel pain in their ears?
The first and most important rule of handling your rabbit correctly is to never pick him/her up by the ears, the scruff, legs or tail. It is painful and can cause serious damage. You wouldn’t want to be lifted by your ears, would you? The second rule to remember is that rabbits are fragile.
Where do ear mites go in a rabbit?
And because mites can spread rapidly by direct contact, rabbits in a colony setup are most susceptible to a widespread infection. Early detection of ear mites is pretty difficult. The nasty little buggers start out deep inside the outer ear canal, out of sight.
Can a dwarf rabbit get an ear infection?
While all breeds can get ear infections and ear mite infestations, lop-eared rabbits such as the English Lop and the Dwarf Lop are more susceptible to infection than other rabbit breeds.
How can you tell if a rabbit has an ear infection?
Easier to spot than bacterial ear infections, you may see the following signs in your rabbits if they have ear mites: Scratching Ear mites cause itchiness and some discomfort, so rabbits may scratch their neck and ears more than usual and have scaly, peeling skin around the ear area.
Why does my rabbit have scratch marks on his ear?
Your rabbit will most likely have several scratch marks in his ear from digging at it with it paws. Mites cause intense itching and pain that can lead to tremendous suffering.
Why are ear mites so bad for rabbits?
Ear mites cause otitis externa in rabbits and are very irritating to the ear canal lining due to antigenic material in their faeces and saliva. This results in pruritis, often to a severe degree.
What kind of body does a Flemish Giant rabbit have?
Their body is found in the shape of semi-arch which means that the body’s top line curve upwards at the midsection rather than behind the ears. This breed has long and erect ears which are 8 inches long. The hind legs of the Flemish Giant rabbit are very strong.
How to take care of a Flemish Giant rabbit?
Flemish Giant rabbits need more food, living space, and attention than regular-sized rabbits. They may also need more veterinary care. Although they are friendly, they can become aggressive if mishandled. Also, if not looked after properly, they are prone to sore hocks, obesity, and rabbit snuffles.
When was the Flemish Giant rabbit breed introduced?
The Flemish Giant Rabbit breed is accepted by the ARBA in 1929. The Flemish Giant is considered a multi-purpose rabbit that is originally used for fur and meat. However, due to large bone density, this breed is not more preferred by people for meat.