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What is the lowest dose of clopidogrel you can give a cat?

What is the lowest dose of clopidogrel you can give a cat?

The antiplatelet effects and pharmacodynamics of clopidogrel administration to cats was studied in 2004 by Hogan et al. In this study, the lowest dose studied was 18.75 mg (1/4 of a 75 mg tablet, chosen for practical purposes), and was determined to be as effective as higher doses in reducing platelet aggregation in cats.

Which is better for Cate aspirin or clopidogrel?

The FAT CAT study results indicate that clopidogrel was associated with a significant improvement in survival compared to aspirin for both the one year and total study period. This is very exciting because it is the first prospective thromboprophylactic trial for CATE to demonstrate a significant survival benefit for any drug.

How does clopidogrel affect platelet function in cats?

Teuber M, Mischke R (2016) Influence of a low dosage of clopidogrel on platelet function in cats as measured by the platelet function analyser PFA-100 and the multiplate analyser. Res Vet Sci 109, 149-156 PubMed.

How are antithrombotic drugs used to prevent Cate?

Antithrombotic drugs are the standard of care for cardioembolic prevention in humans 11, 12 and this has been incorporated into clinical protocols for cats. However, there have been no prospective clinical trials in cats evaluating antithrombotic therapy for primary (initial CATE) or secondary (recurrent CATE) prevention.

The antiplatelet effects and pharmacodynamics of clopidogrel administration to cats was studied in 2004 by Hogan et al. In this study, the lowest dose studied was 18.75 mg (1/4 of a 75 mg tablet, chosen for practical purposes), and was determined to be as effective as higher doses in reducing platelet aggregation in cats.

Are there any side effects to clopidogrel for dogs?

Although there are multiple reports regarding its use in the dog, there is not as much clinical experience in the dog as in the cat. Clopidogrel is generally well tolerated in the cat. The most commonly-reported side effects are nausea and anorexia. These side effects may be lessened by administration with food.

The FAT CAT study results indicate that clopidogrel was associated with a significant improvement in survival compared to aspirin for both the one year and total study period. This is very exciting because it is the first prospective thromboprophylactic trial for CATE to demonstrate a significant survival benefit for any drug.

What are the symptoms of ibuprofen poisoning in cats?

Ibuprofen poisoning causes many different clinical signs because many different organ systems can be affected. The signs also depend on how much ibuprofen was eaten. Most commonly, cats show signs related to kidney problems including decreased appetite, lethargy, vomiting, increased drinking and urination, or drastically decreased urination.