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What symptoms are caused by the wet form of FIP?

What symptoms are caused by the wet form of FIP?

Wet (effusive): The wet form of FIP results in fluid accumulation in body cavities such as the abdomen and chest. It causes abdominal distension and/or difficulty breathing. This fluid is often a yellow color.

What diseases mimic FIP in cats?

Since many different organs can be involved with the dry form, the symptoms we see with this form of FIP can mimic other common diseases of cats, like hyperthyroidism, liver disease, sugar diabetes and kidney disease.

What are the symptoms of wet feline FIP?

Signs of both forms include fever that doesn’t respond to antibiotics, anorexia, weight loss and lethargy. In addition, the wet form of FIP is characterized by accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the chest cavity, or both.

What to do if your cat has FIP?

To diagnose FIP, recognize the symptoms, take your cat to the vet, and have the vet perform tests. If the cat is diagnosed, there is no treatment, but you can provide supportive care.

What does a negative FIP test mean for a cat?

It means only that a cat has been exposed to and may be harboring a coronavirus. A negative test usually (but not always) indicates that the cat is unlikely to have FIP. If a cat has what appears to be the wet form of the disease, laboratory analysis of some of the fluid can support a diagnosis of FIP.

What causes feline infectious peritonitis ( FIP )?

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is an uncommon disease that mostly occurs in cats under the age of two who have been around other cats. FIP is caused by an inappropriate immune response to a common virus, which is called feline coronavirus.

Can a cat survive FIP?

FIP is fatal in more than 95 percent of cases. In mild cases of the dry form, it may be possible to prolong the survival period, but most cats with the wet form of the disease die within two months of the onset of signs.

How does a cat get FIP?

Cats catch FIP by coming into contact with the saliva or feces of other infected cats. Even house cats can develop FIP, either because they came in contact with it from their mother as a kitten, or sometimes from another indoor cat that never develops symptoms.

Does my cat have FIP?

Cats with wet FIP accumulate fluid in their abdomen and/or chest and usually only live for a few days to a few weeks. Fortunately, Effie was diagnosed with the dry version. It is still considered fatal and incurable, and many cats still die after a few weeks, but some have been known to live for over a year.

Can humans catch FIP from cats?

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a serious, nearly always fatal systemic viral disease of wild and domestic cats caused by a coronavirus , a type of virus that afflicts pigs, dogs, and in some forms, humans. However, the specific virus that causes FIP—the FIP virus—does not infect humans.