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Why is my guinea pig acting dizzy?

Why is my guinea pig acting dizzy?

Re: Guinea pig dizzy like it’s drunk? If your guinea pig experiences difficulty walking or holds it’s head tilted to one side, see a vet immediately. Prompt treatment is critical for complete recovery. This can indicate a bacterial infection of the inner ear requiring topical and/or oral antibiotics.

Why is my guinea pig off balance?

Head tilting is an obvious symptom of a serious ear infection in your guinea pig. Once the infection reaches the inner ear, symptoms associated with its effects on the nervous system, such as circling, loss of balance and rolling around, also often appear.

Why do guinea pigs walk funny?

The main cause is Vitamin C deficiency. But looks like your GP is getting enough in her food. 3-Bumble foot (Pododermatitis) :Pododermatitis is a chronic dermatitis of the footpads. It is also known as “bumblefoot.” It is a common condition seen in obese guinea pigs housed on wire or abrasive floors.

Why does my guinea pig roll over when I pet him?

Why does my guinea pig roll over when I pet him? The most likely reason for this behavior is that your guinea pig feels completely safe and relaxed with you. However, depending on the timing and context, it could also indicate illness, irritation or fear, or high body temperature.

How can you tell if your guinea pig has respiratory problems?

You may notice your guinea pig eating less, or not eating anything at all. Determine if your guinea pig is less active than usual. Guinea pigs are usually very active and playful. Respiratory problems can make your guinea pig feel tired. He may move around more slowly in his cage.

Why is my guinea pig not eating anything?

Things as simple as moving the cage or introducing a new guinea pig, or an upper respiratory infection or ectoparasites like lice can stress your guinea pig out enough so that it doesn’t eat and develops ileus. Monitor food intake and be aware of how any changes may have impacted your pet.

How can I tell if my guinea pig is paralyzed?

While scurvy doesn’t directly cause paralysis, it can make a guinea pig reluctant to move. Signs include lethargy, a dull coat, weakness, depression, tenderness to the touch, hopping instead of walking, and inflamed or stiff arm and leg joints. Some of these symptoms in combination can be easily mistaken for a paralyzed guinea pig.

What causes a guinea pig to be unable to move?

It can also be secondary to other problems that keep the guinea pig from eating enough, like malocclusion. Vitamin C deficiency can result in scurvy, a painful condition with symptoms that can be somewhat vague. While scurvy doesn’t directly cause paralysis, it can make a guinea pig reluctant to move.

Is there something wrong with my guinea pig?

Some conditions in guinea pigs still haven’t been well-researched. Hind leg paralysis is one of these conditions. Even experienced exotic vets are often stumped. Extensive, expensive testing often reveals nothing wrong with the guinea pig, and they are otherwise happy, going about their normal tasks. Eating. Pooping.

While scurvy doesn’t directly cause paralysis, it can make a guinea pig reluctant to move. Signs include lethargy, a dull coat, weakness, depression, tenderness to the touch, hopping instead of walking, and inflamed or stiff arm and leg joints. Some of these symptoms in combination can be easily mistaken for a paralyzed guinea pig.

How can you tell if a guinea pig has an allergy?

Respiratory problems, whether an allergy or infection, can affect your guinea pig’s eyes. For example, you may notice a discharge coming from his eyes. This discharge may be yellow or green if he has an infection. Your guinea pig’s eyes may look crusty from the discharge. His eyes may also look red.

It can also be secondary to other problems that keep the guinea pig from eating enough, like malocclusion. Vitamin C deficiency can result in scurvy, a painful condition with symptoms that can be somewhat vague. While scurvy doesn’t directly cause paralysis, it can make a guinea pig reluctant to move.