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Why is my horse eating but losing weight?

Why is my horse eating but losing weight?

Poor Quality or Limited Feed –Probably the most common cause of weight loss is poor quality or limited feed. Forage (hay/pasture) plays a significant role in chronic weight loss since it is the primary component of the diet. Dental problems are a significant cause of weight loss in horses.

What are the symptoms of ulcers in horses?

A: Horses suffering from stomach ulcers may display signs of pain and discomfort such as:

  • Sour disposition.
  • Still eating but losing condition or weight.
  • Avoiding hard feed and preferring hay.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Unsettled in training or unwilling to work.
  • Grinding teeth.
  • Crib-biting, wind-sucking.
  • Bad coat.

What are the symptoms of laminitis?

What are the clinical signs of equine laminitis?

  • Lameness* affecting most commonly at least two limbs.
  • The horse leans back onto its heels to take the weight off the painful toe area.
  • The lameness is worse when the horse walks on hard ground or turns.
  • Shifting weight between feet when resting.
  • Increased digital pulses.

What is the best treatment for ulcers in horses?

There is currently only one pharmaceutical treatment – omeprazole – approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for gastric ulcers in horses. Omeprazole is available as a paste formulation and has been very effective in preventing and treating gastric ulceration in all types of horses.

What is the best feed for a horse with ulcers?

Performance Fibre is ideal if you have a fussy feeder. Include alfalfa in the feed for horses with ulcers. Research has shown that alfalfa is a better buffer to acidity than other fibre sources due to its protein and calcium content.

Is it normal for a horse to have a runny nose?

Take a few minutes to make sure your horse’s sniffles are a harmless nuisance rather than a sign of serious illness. A snotty nose isn’t the most pleasant thing to discover when you bring your horse in for a ride.

Is it easy to make a feeding mistake with a horse?

Most horse owners enjoy feeding their horses. It’s fun to see your horse enjoy its meals and come running to you when it sees you with the feed bucket. But it’s easy to make a mistake when planning your horse’s dietary needs. Avoid these 10 common feeding mistakes.

How to treat a horse with a bloody nose?

How to Treat a Horse’s Bloody Nose. Keep the horse as calm as possible. It is advised to place a cold compress or an ice pack on the region below the eyes. Never place anything inside the nasal cavity to suppress bleeding, as it can be sucked into the nasal passage causing serious complications.

What should I do if my horse is skinny?

Consider supplementing with a concentrate. After adjusting the hay and pasture offered to a thin horse, the concentrate portion of the diet should be evaluated. Concentrates (sweet feeds, pelleted feeds, or plain cereal grain like oats or corn) are used to provide a concentrated form of calories.

What causes a horse to have a snotty nose?

The most common causes of snotty noses are noninfectious, says Mazan. Let’s take a closer look at our six scenarios. Scenario 1: The horse has a watery or white nasal discharge and shows no other clinical signs.

What happens if you don’t feed your horse enough?

A regular deworming program can clear out harmful parasites that steal nutrition and can damage your horse’s internal organs. While equine dental problems aren’t really a feeding problem, your horse will not be able to get all of the nutrition it needs if it can’t chew properly.

Why does my horse have white stuff coming out of his nose?

Let’s take a closer look at our six scenarios. Scenario 1: The horse has a watery or white nasal discharge and shows no other clinical signs. Horses with a bilateral watery or mucoid discharge could be reacting to environmental irritants (such as dust) or suffering from equine asthma or allergies.

Why does my horse have a lot of skin problems?

Heavy salves like Vaseline, for example, can plug hair follicles, and many homemade remedies can irritate skin. What’s more, says Miller, persistent skin problems are rarely just skin-deep. “Skin diseases can be indicative of a compromised immune system brought on by poor nutrition, age or other disease,” he explains.