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How long does it take for coccidia to show up in cats?

How long does it take for coccidia to show up in cats?

It takes about thirteen days for illness to develop after the kitten first ingests coccidia. Consequently, kittens that become sick from a coccidial infection are at least two weeks old.

What does coccidia look like in kittens?

Symptoms and Types The primary symptom of a coccidial infection is watery, mucous-like diarrhea. Bloody diarrhea and an inability to control defecation will become apparent as the infection progresses, and your cat may become weak and feverish, with related vomiting and weight loss.

How long does it take for a kitten to get coccidia?

If the kitten has been at the new home for less than thirteen days, then he had coccidia before he arrived. Remember, the incubation period (from exposure to illness) is about thirteen days. If the kitten has been with his new owner several weeks, then the exposure to coccidia most likely occurred after the animal arrived at the new home.

What should I do if my cat has coccidiosis?

Disinfect the litter boxes weekly using hot water and bleach. Take extra care when monitoring the health of kittens to identify cases of coccidiosis before the infection has progressed too far. Test any pregnant cats for protozoa so that kittens may be treated after birth.

Which is the most common coccidia in cats?

In cats and dogs, most coccidia are of the genus called Isospora. I. felis and I. rivolta are the most common species found in cats. Regardless of which species is present, we generally refer to the disease as coccidiosis. As a kitten ages, he tends to develop a natural immunity to the effects of coccidia.

What is the incubation period for coccidia?

Remember, the incubation period (from exposure to illness) is about thirteen days. If the kitten has been with his new owner several weeks, then the exposure to coccidia most likely occurred after the animal arrived at the new home. Fortunately, coccidiosis is treatable.