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How much should a 3 month old Maine Coon kitten weigh?

How much should a 3 month old Maine Coon kitten weigh?

How Much Do Maine Coon Kittens Weigh?

Maine Coon Age Male Kitten
2 Months 1.1 – 1.6 kg (2.42 – 3.52 lb)
3 Months 1.7 – 2.4 kg (3.74 – 5.29 lb)
4 Months 2.9 – 3.8 kg (6.39 – 8.37 lb)
5 Months 3.3 – 5.5 kg (7.27 – 12.1 lb)

How much should Maine Coon kittens weigh?

Male: 5.9 – 8.2 kgAdult
Female: 3.6 – 5.4 kgAdult
Maine Coon/Mass

How much should a 12 week old Maine Coon weigh?

That’s 3 to 4 lbs as a broad guideline. Thus for the first 12 weeks, your Maine Coon kitten should put on around 150 grams per week. As Maine Coons mature later there is no real way to tell if your cat is a Maine Coon because of its weight at 12 weeks.

When to know if your cat is a Maine Coon?

As Maine Coons mature later there is no real way to tell if your cat is a Maine Coon because of its weight at 12 weeks. Growth spurts can happen later than normal in Maine Coons, but they are larger cats than most domestic house breeds so as to confuse the issue.

How big should a 12 week old kitten be?

So 12 week old kitten weight is usually about 3lb. Again, this is a broad guideline, for example a Maine Coon kitten like this beauty, is going to weigh a bit more than that. Kittens at 12 weeks old will usually have developed some personality and a lot of confidence. But they still need plenty of care and guidance from you.

Why does my Maine Coon cat gain so much weight?

Maine Coons that are not exercised and have a sedated lifestyle run the risk of becoming obese. If your cat is not stimulated with exercise it will over eat and thus develop unhealthy weight gain. Common sense should be used here.

What is the average height of a Maine Coon?

It still remains a mystery as to how this specific breed of cat came into being. In short, while an average cat is 9 to 10 inches in height, a Maine Coon average height is around 10 to 16 inches in height.

Which cat is bigger a Maine Coon or Siberian?

Maine Coon cats are larger than Siberian cats. Maine Coon cats can weigh 18 pounds on average and are 3 feet in length. Most Siberian cats weigh up to 17 pounds and 2 feet in length and have double-layered coats.

What is the largest Maine Coon ever?

Maine Coon breed is considered the biggest of the domestic cats in the world. The biggest known Main Coon was a male called Stewie, which was accepted in 2010 in the Guinness Worlds Record . It was 123 cm (48 in) long from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail.

How much does a Maine Coon kitten weigh?

Maine Coon cats weigh between 10 to 25 pounds. Male Maine Coon cats weigh between 15 to 25 pounds (about 6.8 to 11kg), while female Coon cats average 10 to 15 pounds (about 4.5 to 6.8 kg). Hence, their large, rectangular-built body shape and long hair make them even bigger.