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What does it mean when you have 3 nipples?

What does it mean when you have 3 nipples?

In rare cases, a third nipple can be a sign of a congenital breast defect or an early sign of a malignant growth or tumor. One of the genes that can cause an extra nipple, called Scaramanga’s gene, can also make it possible for an extra nipple to get breast cancer, just like a regular breast.

Why do my nipples have multiple bumps?

Montgomery’s tubercles are types of oil-producing glands people have on their areolae. They appear as small bumps. Doctors consider Montgomery’s glands protective because they produce oil that keeps nipples soft and protects against infection, which is especially beneficial during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Are third nipples inherited?

Supernumerary nipples are usually not inherited but familial cases have been reported. Most people do not need treatment, but the nipple and related tissue can be removed for cosmetic purposes or if there is discomfort.

What causes Polythelia?

Polythelia typically occurs during development in the womb, but the exact cause is unknown. This condition can be inherited and run in families.

Is Polythelia hereditary?

Polythelia are one of the most common forms of mammary tissue malformation. Most of the cases of polythelia appear to be sporadic, but some hereditary forms are known (1, 2). The specific mutations responsible for the sporadic or the hereditary forms of polythelia are generally not known.

Is it bad to pop the bumps on your nipples?

Most pimples on the nipple should be left alone. The body will clear them without outside help, and popping them can make them worse. This is especially true on sensitive skin areas, including the nipple.

Is it normal to have Montgomery tubercles and not be pregnant?

The gland then resembles a pimple with a white or yellowish head. These spots are known as Montgomery tubercles. Women do not have to be pregnant or breast-feeding for this to occur. Other female hormone changes can cause the same response.

Is polythelia normal?

Polythelia may indicate associated conditions, most notably urologic malformations or urogenital malignancies. The presence of supernumerary or accessory nipples (Fig. 3.5) is a relatively common, minor congenital anomaly that occurs in both sexes, with an estimated frequency of 1 in 100 to 1 in 500 persons.

Is polythelia hereditary?

Why are my areolas so big all of a sudden?

Your Areola Gets Bigger Breasts change size throughout your menstrual cycle, dictated by your hormone levels. This is totally natural, and as your breasts change size, your areola might get bigger too. Your areolae may also swell when you’re turned on. This can cause your areolae to get a bit expanded.