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What is ear pinna?

What is ear pinna?

The pinna is the part of the ear you see on the side of your head. It’s made of tough cartilage covered by skin. Its main job is to gather sounds and funnel them to the ear canal, which is the pathway that leads to the middle ear.

What is the outside of your ear called?

External or outer ear, consisting of: Pinna or auricle. This is the outside part of the ear. External auditory canal or tube.

How to tell if a cat has pinna ear?

Lesions are characterized by thick hyperkeratotic crusts covering erythematous plaques that may erode or ulcerate. Secondary bacterial and yeast infections may aggravate the condition. Most cats appear indifferent to the lesions, but mild pruritus and discomfort may be present when ulceration develops.

When to look for lesions on the ear pinna?

Many of the diseases of the ear start with lesions on the external ear pinna. It is important when examining the ear to look for primary lesions which can give a clue to the underlying aetiology of the disease.

Why did my White Cat Jade have her ears amputated?

Jade will be having surgery tomorrow morning to get her ears amputated. She has had black scabs on her ears since we became her parents over 3yrs ago. Without a biopsy, our vet is 99% sure this is Squamous Cell Carcinoma (this is for you, ZQ 🙂 and it is common for white cats to get it on their ear tips and nose.

When does an ear need to be amputated?

The ear can be amputated in a blunt trauma situation or may need to be amputated due to cancer of the ear, hematomas of the ear or infections of the ear. When ear reconstruction is necessary due to trauma, the construction depends on two factors. The first is the circulation to the amputated part of the ear.

Jade will be having surgery tomorrow morning to get her ears amputated. She has had black scabs on her ears since we became her parents over 3yrs ago. Without a biopsy, our vet is 99% sure this is Squamous Cell Carcinoma (this is for you, ZQ 🙂 and it is common for white cats to get it on their ear tips and nose.

Lesions are characterized by thick hyperkeratotic crusts covering erythematous plaques that may erode or ulcerate. Secondary bacterial and yeast infections may aggravate the condition. Most cats appear indifferent to the lesions, but mild pruritus and discomfort may be present when ulceration develops.

Why does my cat have a tail amputation?

Limb and tail amputations are undertaken to treat different conditions — most commonly in cats this is a result of trauma, very often after being injured in a car accident. More than 230 cats with amputations were included in the survey.

What kind of cat would have his leg amputated?

So a ‘typical’ cat amputee would be a young male DSH, with a leg amputated following a suspected road traffic accident. This is different to what might be expected in dogs, where a typical amputee may well be an older male, probably purebred, who had a leg amputated following a tumour.