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What is the common name of Tradescantia pallida?

What is the common name of Tradescantia pallida?

Tradescantia pallida is a species of spiderwort (a genus of New World plants) similar to T. fluminensis and T. zebrina. Common names include purple secretia, purple-heart, and purple queen.

Is Tradescantia pallida an indoor plant?

Indoors, this is an evergreen plant as the climate is ideal. But if your plant is actually green instead of purple, it’s a sign of low light. To develop that amazing coloration, it needs full sun. While tradescantia pallida tends to be relatively drought-hardy, it also tolerates heavy watering.

How big does a Tradescantia pallida get?

It will typically grow to 8 in (20 cm) tall and it will develop thick but fragile stems clothed with pointed, narrow, v-shaped leaves 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) long. The stems of the Tradescantia Purpurea usually trail up to 45 in (45 cm) or more.

How do you grow a Tradescantia pallida?

Grow purple heart in full sun for best color development; plants growing in shade tend more to green than purple. Pinch the plants to promote more compact growth. Plants are drought tolerant and thrive on neglect, but also tolerate frequent watering. Fertilize monthly when actively growing.

Why are wandering Jews purple?

Wandering Jew leaves with shades of red, pink or purple in the leaves are the result of anthocyanin pigments. Not all plants produce anthocyanins, and when they do, its under certain circumstances, such as leaves changing colors in fall. Leaves are only variegated if the color lasts year-round.

Can Tradescantia grow indoors?

Tradescantia thrive in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees, so they do well in typical indoor temperatures. Outdoors, they prefer a mild climate that doesn’t drop below 50 degrees.

How often should I water my Tradescantia pallida?

Tradescantia Pallida Care Tips Long spaces between leaves indicate Tradescantia pallida needs more sunlight. Water: Water thoroughly, then allow the top 1 in (2.5 cm) to dry out between waterings. Water less in winter when growth is slower.

Can purple queen grow indoors?

Also known as purple queen, purple heart (Setcreasea pallida) is a striking plant with fuzzy, purple, lance-shaped leaves that reach lengths of 7 inches. Purple heart is suitable for planting in U.S. Department of Agriculture growing zones 9 through 11. In cooler climates, it is often grown indoors.

How many species of Tradescantia pallida are there?

Tradescantia pallida ”Purpurea” also known as Purple Queen, Purple Heart, Setcresea Purpurea, Purple Spiderwort, or Wandering Jew “Purpurea” is a popular evergreen perennial. It belongs to the spiderwort family which includes 40 genera and 652 species and it is widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions.

What kind of pot do you use for Tradescantia pallida?

Tradescantia pallida If you decide to propagate the plant directly in the soil, fill a container with moistened potting mix and plant the cuttings after removing the lower leaves of the stem. You can plant more than one cutting as long as they don’t overlap.

What’s the best temperature to grow Tradescantia pallida?

It is worth mentioning that plants growing in shade don’t get a lot of direct light so they are usually green rather than purple. The best temperature for Tradescantia pallida ”Purpurea” is average to warm (65-80 F/ 18-27 C).

Why is light so important to Tradescantia pallida?

We know that light is a prerequisite of life. Just like human beings, plants need their portion of light too. Speaking of tradescantia pallida, light is a very important factor not only for its general survival but to keep the purple colour too.

Tradescantia pallida ”Purpurea” also known as Purple Queen, Purple Heart, Setcresea Purpurea, Purple Spiderwort, or Wandering Jew “Purpurea” is a popular evergreen perennial. It belongs to the spiderwort family which includes 40 genera and 652 species and it is widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions.

How to care for Tradescantia pallida Purple Heart?

Featuring trailing purple stems with violet-purple leaves and pink flowers that appear in the summer. It is generally an annual but may come back in protected areas or in mild winters. To plant outdoors find a location with full sun to partial shade and well-drained high organic matter soil that stays evenly moist.

What kind of light does Tradescantia pallida need?

The plant can grow in the shade or indoors in places with low levels of light, but the foliage will remain green instead of purple. Tradescantia Purpurea loves to get a little sun but it needs some shade during hot summer days, especially at noon. Extreme heat and direct sun can scorch its leaves.

What’s the best way to water Tradescantia pallida?

You can use the freshly removed tips to propagate the plant, so don’t throw them away. It is best to water your Tradescantia Purpurea plants thoroughly. You can apply the ‘soak and dry’ technique and rewater the plant when you notice that the top 1 inch (2.5cm) of soil is dry.