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What is the normal hemoglobin level for a 12 year old girl?

What is the normal hemoglobin level for a 12 year old girl?

Age-Specific Normative Red Blood Cell Values

Age Hemoglobin (g per dL)
Mean 2 SDs below mean
6 to 12 years 13.5 11.5
12 to 18 years (male) 14.5 13.0
12 to 18 years (female) 14.0 12.0

What is a dangerously high red blood cell count?

A high red blood cell count is generally considered to be anything above 6.1 million red blood cells for men, 5.4 million for women, and 5.5 for children. Additional tests will help your doctor determine the cause of your high red blood cell count and next steps in your care.

Is hemoglobin 13 normal?

The normal range for hemoglobin is: For men, 13.5 to 17.5 grams per deciliter. For women, 12.0 to 15.5 grams per deciliter.

How do you fix high red blood cell count?

5 nutrients that increase red blood cell counts

  1. red meat, such as beef.
  2. organ meat, such as kidney and liver.
  3. dark, leafy, green vegetables, such as spinach and kale.
  4. dried fruits, such as prunes and raisins.
  5. beans.
  6. legumes.
  7. egg yolks.

What does too many red blood cells mean?

Polycythemia vera (pol-e-sy-THEE-me-uh VEER-uh) is a type of blood cancer. It causes your bone marrow to make too many red blood cells. These excess cells thicken your blood, slowing its flow, which may cause serious problems, such as blood clots.

What’s the normal red blood cell count for a cat?

Tues tested red blood cell count at 10, doc says normal count is we have a 12 yr cat with very low red blood cell count. Tues… My normally super healthy 8 year old 19lb Siberian hasn’t eaten or drank since Tues am. I took him to my vet wed am and his fever was 106.2! xray and … read more

What to look for in a blood test for a cat?

Vets often take this test to check for anemia, infections, and other health problems. Red blood cell count (RBC): The number, size, shape and appearance of red blood cells in a volume of blood. Haemoglobin (Hb): The amount of haemoglobin (the protein that enables the cells to carry oxygen) can be determined.

What should your red blood cell count be?

Normal red blood cell counts are: For men, 4.7 to 6.1 million red blood cells per microliter of blood. For women, 4.2 to 5.4 million red blood cells per microliter of blood. For children, 4.0 to 5.5 million red blood cells per microliter of blood. Doctors typically find a high red blood cell count during tests for another health issue.

How many red blood cells are in a CBC Test?

A number of red blood cell tests are performed together in a complete blood count (CBC). These tests (called red cell indices) are assessed together to point to specific causes of red blood cell dysfunction. These tests include: Red blood count: The count of all red blood cells in a volume of blood. Adult women: 3.9-5.0 million cells/µL.

What’s the normal RBC count for an adult dog?

The normal PCV in the adult dog is 37 – 55 percent, and the normal RBC count is 5.5 – 8.5 million cells per microliter of blood. Values that are significantly higher or lower than these send practitioners looking for further clues in certain directions, to wit: • Fewer than normal RBCs

What is the normal blood count for a child?

Complete Blood Count Normal Pediatric Values Complete Blood Count Normal Pediatric Values Age Red Blood Cells (x 106/µL) Hemoglobin (g/dL) Hematocrit (%) MCV (fL) MCHC (%) Reticulocyte Count (%)

What’s the normal range for red blood cells?

The “normal” range can sometimes vary by population. Many reference values will be far higher in high-altitude cities like Denver and far lower in low-altitude areas like the Gulf Coast. As such, the ranges cannot be considered hard-and-fast values but rather, as the name suggests, a reference point. The “normal” RBC reference range…

What do you need to know about the RBC count?

Understanding the Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count 1 Complete Blood Count. Typically speaking, an RBC count is less useful on its own to diagnose a medical condition. 2 Normal Ranges. An RBC count is the number of red blood cell per a particular volume of blood. 3 High or Low RBC Counts. 4 Treatment.