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Which is the best definition of laying about?

Which is the best definition of laying about?

To place in or bring to a particular position: lay the cloth over the painting. b. To bury. 3. To cause to be in a particular condition: The remark laid him open to criticism. 4. To put or set down: lay new railroad track. 5. To produce and deposit: lay eggs. 6.

Can you lay down on a flat surface?

Something can lie somewhere, but it cannot lay there. You lie down, but you lay something down. You lie down on a bed or other flat surface. Use this mnemonic – LAY – (pLAce) and LIE – (recLIne) Lie does not require a direct object.

What’s the difference between laying and going up?

It seems to be the easiest of the definitions to get mixed up. The definitions for laying become simple when you look at them in their root form. Lay means the place. Used in a sentence, you could say: Lay the school books on the table and then go up to clean your room. Adding the ING suffix is simply a function of sentence structure.

What’s the difference between lying down and laying down?

You lie down, but you lay something down. You lie down on a bed or other flat surface. Use this mnemonic – LAY – (pLAce) and LIE – (recLIne) Lie does not require a direct object. Lay requires a direct object. The same rule applies to laying and lying. The past tense of lay is laid.

Which is correct,’laying’or’lying’?

Which is correct, ‘laying’ or ‘lying’? The verb ‘ laying ’ means ‘putting something somewhere’. The verb ‘ lying ’ means ‘telling falsehoods’ or ‘resting’ or ‘reclining’. The woman is laying the plate on the table.

Is the girl laying the plate on the table or lying?

The woman is laying the plate on the table. The girl is lying (not telling the truth) to the teacher. The woman is lying on the bed. Have you tried the FREE PaperRater automated proofreader yet?

What are the effects of lying in bed all day?

A moderate amount of bed rest good for you The side effects of staying in bed all day include development of bedsores and body aches, especially in the lower back. Lying in bed all day is also associated with an increased risk of stress and depression, and some other psychological and cardiovascular ailments.

Where does the ball have to be lifted under preferred lies?

The sample local rule says only that a ball lifted under preferred lies must be placed “on a spot within (specify area, e.g., six inches, one club-length, etc.) of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.”