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Which is the best slide for a blood smear?

Which is the best slide for a blood smear?

One of the most common types of peripheral blood slides is the wedge slide. An ideal slide is neither too thin nor too thick. It should end about two-thirds to three-fourths of the way down the slide.

What are the findings of a blood smear?

Hemoglobin (Hb) CC disease, peripheral blood findings. This image from a patient with Hb CC disease demonstrates two classic Hb C crystals. These elongate, uniformly dense structures are present within a ghostlike, residual red blood cell membrane.

What can you do with a blood smear?

They can be a useful tool to assess everything from white blood cell disorders, such as leukemias, to various types of acquired or congenital anemias, to broader organ issues like liver or kidney disease. However, the effectiveness and accuracy of that interpretation depend on the quality of the slide.

How are platelets counted in a blood smear?

The blood smear is examined microscopically. The density of white and red blood cells and platelets is estimated. A differential white blood cell count is performed. The blood smear is reviewed for morphologic changes. For this examination, only a microscope is required.

What should the edge of a blood smear look like?

This edge should have a fine, feathery appearance; if there is a thick line of blood where the slide stopped, it’s an indication of a poorly made smear.  A monolayer area just behind the feathered edge. This region should be noticeably thinner than the body, but should blend in with the body of the smear. Often this area is only about ½ cm wide.

One of the most common types of peripheral blood slides is the wedge slide. An ideal slide is neither too thin nor too thick. It should end about two-thirds to three-fourths of the way down the slide.

What’s the best way to make a blood smear?

If the blood has been refrigerated, allow it to return to room temperature.  The best slides to use for making blood smears are the premium, pre-cleaned kind; those with a frosted end also facilitate easy labeling.

Is it normal to have blood on toilet paper?

Seeing blood in the toilet or on toilet paper is very alarming, but also very common. Although it is never normal, most of the causes of rectal bleeding are not life-threatening and can be easily treate You see blood in stool or on toilet paper after a bowel movement. What now? First, take note of HOW MUCH blood there is.