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Will a distemper shot make my kitten tired?

Will a distemper shot make my kitten tired?

Typical Side Effects to Feline Distemper Vaccinations Loss of appetite. Sleepiness. Slight fever. Swelling at the injection site.

Why do kittens need distemper shots?

Vaccination against the feline distemper complex is important because these diseases can be deadly. These are hardy viruses that can be brought into the home on inanimate objects like clothes or shoes.

How old do kittens have to be to get their shots?

Immunizations are started at 6-8 weeks of age and are repeated every 3-4 weeks until the kitten is 4 months old. The routine or core vaccinations will protect your kitten from the most common diseases: feline distemper (panleukopenia), feline viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpes virus 1), calicivirus, and rabies.

When do you give a dog a shot for canine distemper?

Despite extensive vaccination in many regions, it remains a major disease of dogs. To prevent canine distemper, puppies should begin vaccination at 6-8 weeks of age and then continue getting the “booster shot” every 2-4 weeks until they are 16 weeks of age.

How often should I give my kitten a rabies shot?

Kittens are vaccinated once every three to four weeks until they reach 16 weeks of age or older. However, to avoid over-vaccination, most veterinarians will recommend starting the vaccine at 8 weeks of age, followed by boosters at 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. Rabies is the other core kitten vaccination.

How often should I give my kitten FVRCP?

The vaccination schedule for FVRCP can begin as early as 6 weeks of age. Kittens are vaccinated once every three to four weeks until they reach 16 weeks of age or older.

Can a kitten get sick from a shot?

So while not all cats feel sick after getting shots, some definitely do. The ASPCA reports that while most cats do not feel sick after getting shots, some mild side effects are not entirely uncommon. These mild effects typically subside within a few days.

What exactly is distemperment shot, for kittens?

The feline distemper vaccine is the answer to preventing feline distemper. The inoculation is easy to access and is one of the standard shots cats and kittens should receive. It works by introducing the inactive distemper virus to the cat so he can build immunity against it.

When should my kitten get his shots?

Kittens should start getting vaccinations when they are 6 to 8 weeks old until they are about 16 weeks old. Then they must be boostered a year latyer.. The shots come in a series every 3 to 4 weeks.

How often should cats get distemper shots?

The distemper shot for cats can be administered as early as six weeks old. It is then administered every three to four weeks until the cat is 16 weeks old. If the vaccine is being given to adult cats or kittens older than 16 weeks, they should receive two doses, three to four weeks apart.